Rachel Aronoff

Rachel Aronoff

- Hackuarium - AGiR! - Life Sciences Switzerland (LS2) - University of Basel



Published on Mar 13, 2024

Research is research...

Time has that way of passing... There are two main reasons for the delay for adding more updates here, sorry. The first is mainly due to how research gets its name. Re Search. Think about it,...

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Published on Nov 01, 2023

More about the Greek Biofablab today

At Hackuarium this evening, we will discuss the launch of the Thyrea Biofablab, and the ways we hope to collaborate in the future, to encourage more participatory research.Just thought I should als...

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Published on Nov 01, 2023

Long live the Thyrea Biofablab!

The program was ambitious, but we got many things done.Great thanks to Christiana Giardkioti, the other organisers, and all the participants for the exciting times!

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Published on Sep 21, 2023

More about #mycelia4bees

Not only will we be doing biomaterial workshops (tomorrow and next Thursday) to make a smaller version of the 'fruit bowl' with local school kids, we received our MinION flowcell and the latest rea...

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Published on Jul 10, 2023

Update on current results

At least one 'fruit bowl' from the mycelial biomaterial workshop has come out ok, and we are count on more participants to share their results. Looking forward to seeing them, and hoping our secon...

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Published on Jun 08, 2023

8June23 update

Big discussions are planned tomorrow with Yngvar and Olivier around the details of the BeeMoS workshop, projected still for 16July, but to be confirmed. The 'fruit bowl' biostructure (mycelia and c...

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Published on Apr 24, 2023

Mycelial Growth Workshop (22apr23)

The workshop was held in the cooperative space of Hackuarium in Ecublens, Switzerland! Participants left with their 'fruit bowls' - mainly inoculated with oyster mushrooms or oyster mushroom grain ...

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Published on Apr 05, 2023

Just 12 days post inoculation

Thank you to everyone who has supported this campaign! We are so glad we got enough pledges to cover our budget, even with a few days left to go!As a quick update (for the mycelial growth side of ...

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Published on Mar 29, 2023

Growth and Meetings!

Not only were we amazed by the growth of Fomes fometopsis in the silicon muffin trays (hearts and flowers, this time) after only 4 days (!), including on the pure wood shavings substrate (Fig1), bu...

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Show more updates
btw, 1) Lactarius luridus had the longest mITS1-4 amplicon, 2) Cortinarius splendens had the shortest and 3) Lepiota fuscovinacea was the in between one... (sorry, this comment box won't let me make italics, but at least the pics haven't rotated in this lab note!) =)
The program for the launch of the biofablab in Greece was very ambitious, but we got many good things done! We even left Fomes fomentarius cultures for biomaterials growth, to hopefully be used by the Thyrea beekeepers in participatory research tests. Vive the Thyrea FabLab.
It's still very busy times, with not only the latest orders received and metagenomics in November set to happen, but also this project a central focus for both the 'Fête de la science et biodiversité' at Voltaire's old château (14oct23) and the Biofest for the Meraki People Biofablab in Astros, G...more
thanks to Yngvar for the spelling fix on that prelim figure! (noted in the legend)
Louis and I might try to also make a big wall from another bag of black oyster grain spawn from Floyd. The thing that is interesting is that it might fruit in the cold... =)
thanks to the support people ( Denny? =) ) the pictures are the right way around now! (Nonetheless, all the team is very sad for the mixup with paypal, with a double currency conversion - USD-Euro-CHF =( sigh... )
again the pictures have flipped after publishing... =P