Andi Bruce

Andi Bruce

La Crosse, Wisconsin

Master's student


Haven't backed any projects yet! 

Published on Dec 05, 2016

The fungi are taking over our wood blocks!

We're making progress!After our fungi colonized the 2-liter flasks for almost 3 weeks, I added sterilized wood blocks to become colonized as our inocula for the experiment to come.Here is a 3-week-...

Group 6 Copy 389
Published on Nov 09, 2016

2nd Place in the Fungi Challenge!

No tears here for coming in 2nd!  Out of the eight mycology projects participating in the Fungi Challenge, we came in 2nd for the most backers on November 2, awarding my project an additional $200!...

Group 6 Copy 170
Published on Nov 07, 2016

Wood blocks are ready!

Over the weekend I finished cutting wood blocks to use as inocula, i.e. to introduce our fungi to the diesel- contaminated soil. We'll run the experiment with 5 replicates each of pi...

Group 6 Copy 153
Published on Oct 31, 2016

After a faulty start, we're off!

Sometimes, you have to take risks.  Sometimes, those risks pay off.  Sometimes, they don't.  Oh boy.We obtained two strains each of our two study species.  All were growing on petri dishes, except ...

Group 6 Copy 185
Published on Oct 26, 2016

I'm answering questions on a Reddit AMA!

Hi everyone!  Just a brief note to let you know I will be doing a Reddit "Ask Me Anything" today at 2:00 pm Central Time.  This is a great opportunity to ask questions about my project, fungi in ge...

Group 6 Copy 264
Published on Oct 07, 2016

Cultures are in!

Exciting news!  Our cultures of Fibroporia vaillantii and Stropharia rugosoannulata are finally in!  I think that makes this project's commencement official. Time to ramp up!  Trans...

Group 6 Copy 86

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