Andrew Stein

Andrew Stein

Northampton, MA

CLAWS Conservancy



Haven't backed any projects yet! 

Published on Jan 05, 2017

Thank you Experiment Supporters!

Hello Experiment Supporters! I have recently returned from my field expedition to Botswana to fit 6 lions with new collars- including the collar sponsored by you.  Before telling his story, I wante...

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Published on Nov 29, 2016

We have our collar! Thank you!

Dear Backers, We have just received our satellite tracking collar- 1 of 6- that we purchased with our grant!  This collar will be used on a female in a newly discovered pride in our ...

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Published on Jun 16, 2016

Pride in Our Prides Lion-Proof Kraal Builders

In May of 2015, Pride in OurPrides started building predator-proof kraals woven out of sustainably harvested mophane treebranches, a local hardwood. The way these particular kraals ...

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Published on Jun 13, 2016

A Lion Named Eretsha

Eretsha is ayoung male named after Eretsha Village. He is the more impressive of the two in the coalition roaming the western portion of our study area. They are thought to have com...

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Published on Jun 10, 2016

Introducing - Local Staff Member Pro!

Recently, we received a really great suggestion from one of our backers - to share the stories of some of the local people living among lions in our study area. And so, for our first introduction, ...

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Published on Jun 07, 2016

Meet Maleherehere Before She Sneaks Away!

During our last lion introduction, you got to meet Mutlwankanda, a powerful, yet shy male in charge of protecting Mayenga's pride. But there is another more elusive cat in our focus area. Her name ...

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Published on Jun 06, 2016

We Did it! We Reached Our Fundraising Goal!

We are very excited to see that our project has been fully funded, as of last night! We cannot thank our backers enough for all of their generous support! This crowdfunding campaign was our very fi...

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Published on Jun 02, 2016

Mutlwankanda The Shy Partner of Mayenga

Last week we introduced you to Mayenga and her pride, while letting you wonder about the big male that accompanies them. Well, wonder no more! Meet Mutlwankanda! Mutlwankanda (that’s...

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