Chi Man Leong

Chi Man Leong

Macau or Taiwan

Department of Entomology, National Taiwan University

MPhil Student


Haven't backed any projects yet! 

Published on Jul 10, 2018

Additional Bonus​! Thank you for your supports!

Additional Bonus​! Thank you for your supports!A new mite species (澳門羅甲蟎 Meristolohmannia macaoensis ​) was collected and described! The research was supported by this crowdfunding project!However...

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Published on Jul 05, 2018

Subterranean pitfall trap (地下式掉落陷阱)

Subterranean pitfall trap (地下式掉落陷阱)Recently, I tried to use different method (subterranean pitfall trap) that can enhance the probability of sampling efforts. This type of pitfall trap can let ento...

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Published on May 24, 2018

A cheap microscope for public education to children/students

一台簡單的小朋友教學用顯微鏡I bought a cheap microscope (3000 NT) for teaching Macao children and students how to identify insects though the microscope. The summer is coming, more and more insects will come out...

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Published on May 02, 2018

澳門昆蟲植物分類 Identification Club of Insects and Plants from Macau

澳門昆蟲植物分類 Identification Club of Insects and Plants from Macau[][English]Since 2015 summer, I transfer my passion to action, and setup a facebook group for f...

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Published on May 02, 2018

#Public Education #Outreach #Popular science

#Public Education #Outreach #Popular science[English]Collected some materials for Publication. Is there all the insects .__.? The Answer is No! Because spider and mite are not insect, spiders and m...

Group 6 Copy 181
Published on Apr 28, 2018

Analysis the data 分析數據  it seems a pattern of morphology? 這是一個形態變化的規律?

Analysis the data 分析數據 it seems a pattern of morphology? 這是一個形態變化的規律?

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Published on Apr 28, 2018

The 1st name card in my life: Macao entomologist

人生第一張名片: 澳門昆蟲學者In order to promote my research with the school, the government, and the international entomologists, I used part of money to make 200 pieces of name card (202 NT = 6.8 USD).I have ...

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Published on Apr 22, 2018

Analysis and process the data of ant morhpology specimens

Analysis and process the data of ant morhpology specimens分析和處理標本的形態數據Please give me more times because I got the cold last week. But I recovered now ^_^, keep going now~ After working in the lab., ...

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Published on Apr 22, 2018

Try my best to record and discover the unknown insects before the habitat changed... 在棲地被碰壞前,我要盡快紀錄和發現更多未知的昆蟲

In 20 April 2018, some departments of our government use pesticide to control mosquito in the type locality of Lepatnilla macauensis .... The reason beyond the phenomenon: Urbanization not only cha...

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