Corinne Okada Takara

Corinne Okada Takara


Okada Design, BioJam Camp, and Nest Makerspace

Artist/STEAM Eduactor


Published on Jul 17, 2024

Mo'o Shapeshifter/ a water sensor tool

Through the spring and early summer of 2024, I have been working with a range of groups on the passive fluid flow activity, Mo’o Shapeshifter, of the Pono STEAM kit. This hands-on paper fluidic act...

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Published on Jun 27, 2024

Autograph Tree Leaf Etching Workshop

OverviewThe Pono STEAM kit Autograph Tree Leaf Etching workshop was conducted in May in two conferences as alternative sustainable name tag activities engaging over 160 people. This activity blends...

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Published on Jun 18, 2024

Solar Bot Workshops

Solar Bot WorkshopsWorkshops in April & MaySince our last advisory board meeting in March, several Solar Bot workshops and alternative solar light workshops (for rainy days) have been conducted...

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Published on May 13, 2024

A playful journal to document journey with microbial color palettes of place

Last night I drafted a prototype of our community participant journal based upon brainstorming conversations with Tim Dobbs and my How to Grow Almost Anything TA (HTGAA) Sally Kong. The conversatio...

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Published on Apr 30, 2024

Woven hina'i mycelium chambers for mycoremediation experiment and ceremonial planting/burial ceremony

co- written by Corinne Takara and 7th and 8th graders of the Montessori School of MauiOVERVIEW:On April 1st, 7th and 8th grade students at the Montessori School of Maui explored this workshop that ...

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Published on Mar 26, 2024

Advisory Board Meeting 2 and insights into assessments and refining storytelling

Last Monday we had our second Advisory Board meeting guided by this: [slide deck] We started with a check in and sharing of: thorn (something bothering you), seed (something good you are nurturing)...

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Published on Jan 28, 2024

Advisory Board Meeting 1 & Draft of a Pono STEAM Kit Cartoon Instruction

Advisory Board Meeting 1 & Draft of a Pono STEAM Kit Cartoon InstructionOn January 8th, 2024, we had our first of three Advisory Board meetings for this project. I am very grateful to the membe...

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Published on Dec 06, 2023

Nest Makerspace open house celebration with gingerbread houses as survey tools

The Nest Makerspace’s open house occurred last Saturday and it was centered on gingerbread house decorating with an invitation to share wishes for what needs a makerspace hale (house) could serve. ...

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Published on Nov 29, 2023

Mycelium Woven Growth Chambers

Introduction ContextWhile myco-remediation is being explored as an important component of bioremediation efforts, there are few resources for in-classroom experiments which middle and high school s...

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