Jason Somarelli

Jason Somarelli

Durham, NC

Duke Cancer Institute

Medical Instructor


Haven't backed any projects yet! 

Published on Jun 15, 2016

New grant

I'm happy to report that our collaborative team has been awarded a one-year pilot grant for $80,000 to develop our personalized medicine pipeline to identify new treatments in canine and human sarc...

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Published on May 19, 2016

An interesting update...

I posted a lab note awhile ago entitled, "We're making strides", in which I reported on the successful creation of our first patient-derived xenograft at Duke that came from a dog sarcoma. Patient-...

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Published on Mar 05, 2016

Interview on Experiment.com blog

Hi again. Just wanted to let you all know that I did an interview about the project with Cindy Wu, co-founder of Experiment.com. The link is below. Thanks again, everyone.https://medium.com/this-is...

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Published on Mar 04, 2016

We reached our funding goal!

We did it! Correction: YOU did it! Thank you all so much for your generosity and support during our crowdfunding effort. It was amazing to see all of you come together to help us better understand ...

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Published on Feb 28, 2016

We're making strides

I'm happy to report two important milestones: 1. We've reached 75% funding! Thank you for all of your donations and support. With just 10 days left to reach our goal, please continue to spread the ...

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