A few years ago, we'd done surveys looking for seedlings and saplings at a site near Big Sur, near the southernmost limits of coast redwood range. One of the primary goals of crowdfunding this pro...
One of the trends we're seeing is that, even in the hotter drier parts of the range, young redwoods are mostly not found in deep shade - - just not enough light, even though it is cooler and moiste...
So if you look at the milestones list, we were planning on starting our seedling transects in mid-March. But... we've been getting so much rain (which is wonderful from an ending-the-drought perspe...
What does a redwood forest look like after fire?More to come...
It's mid-semester madness around here - classes, exams, meetings, workshops, reference letters... and for the project I'm writing up our permit renewals and working on a new data management system....
We carpool, but often we end up with two vehicles going to a field site, or vehicles heading for separate field sites. I cover the gas (this is Michelle) for my van, but for students, even with se...
Thank you so much to all of our generous backers! This idea that we could crowd-fund research is new and fascinating, and you all are part of this brave new scientific world!I'm going to be postin...
Last Friday we constructed all the shields we need for this next year's field season! They are done except for attaching them to the PVC frames (and adding the dataloggers...)
We got the design for the radshields we use from Holden et al (2013) . Their team realized that the datalogger protections that were commercially available were prohibitively expensive ($60 to $80...