Robin McLachlan

Robin McLachlan

Seattle, WA

University of Washington, School of Oceanography

PhD Candidate


Published on Sep 19, 2019

Manuscript Submitted

Our project is complete folks!!! The manuscript is submitted and moving through the peer-review process. Click here to read the preprint and/or skim below for a quick summary:Goal: Numerous nationa...

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Published on Jun 27, 2019

Non-Academics and Academics Agree on Success!

Hello all! I took a hiatus from data processing last quarter to focus on a wonderful teaching opportunity. Now that it is summer, I'm back in my office and cranking away at this project. Here are m...

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Published on Mar 13, 2019

Sneak Peak at Results

All of the blind reviews are in and results look good!Here, I'm showing how student-writing scores changed from before taking the class to after taking the class. By comparing the average change in...

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Published on Mar 08, 2019

Final Week: Last Push!

We've got just 7 days left to push this science-communication education project over the edge! Can we do it? Here is what still needs to be funded:Multi-Cultural Collaboration: $500I am now collabo...

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Published on Mar 01, 2019

#SciArt Stretch Goal

We did it folks! In just 16 days, we reached our goal of $2068 to fully fund the project evaluation! I am incredibly grateful to everyone who supported this project in any way they could, from dona...

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Published on Feb 27, 2019

Consultations now available for teachers!

Do you want help incorporating this Science Writing Intervention in your own classroom? Let's set up a one-on-one consultation to get you started!Reviews are trickling back in, and I can now confid...

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Published on Feb 26, 2019

We are 1/2 way there!

We are just over half way to our goal folks! A huge thank you to everyone who has contributed so far! We have 17 days left, and with your help, we can stay on the right track to bring communication...

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Published on Feb 21, 2019

Reviews Out Ahead of Schedule

We are ahead of schedule! Thanks to the huge community support, more than enough reviewers signed up, and I have just sent out all of the student essays for review. Reviews are set to be completed ...

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Published on Feb 20, 2019

It takes a village to train a student

You know that old saying it takes a village to raise a child? This project has taken me on a crash course in student rearing, and let me tell you, it takes a village. There is a reason why most sci...

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