Mike McEntire

Mike McEntire

United States


Published on Jun 21, 2015

Updates from the Field!

Hey There!Long time, no see! We have been busy collecting data. So far we've worked in two of Texas Parks and Wildlife's Wildlife Management Areas and obtained samples from 30 Tex...

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Published on May 08, 2015

We Made It!

Thanks guys! Thanks to you, this project is going to happen! We are looking forward to our first work out in the field next week and I can't wait to get this thing off the ground! Last weekend ...

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Published on May 05, 2015

Meet the Team!

You already know a bit about me. But I'd like to introduce you to some of the amazing people I will be working with this summer. I don't have pictures of everybody, so sometimes there will be a p...

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Published on Apr 22, 2015

This Earth Day, Make a Real Difference

Earth day has to be one of my favorite days of the year. Since 1970, people pause for a moment on this day to be thankful for this world and all the creatures that are in it.Many p...

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Published on Apr 29, 2015

Fort Worth Zoo Reintroduction Program

Agencies across the state have been working hard to try to save the declining populations of the Texas Horned Lizard. Originally scientists relocated lizards from highly populated a...

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Published on Apr 12, 2015

Horned Lizard Conservation Society

I was privileged to present my project at the biennial conference of the Horned Lizard Conservation Society last weekend. This great group of individuals meets every other year to share the advanc...

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Published on Mar 26, 2015

Saving The Texas Horned Lizard All Across The Lone-Star State

As the state reptile of Texas, the Texas Horned Lizard has won over the hearts of Texans everywhere. The conservation of this unique species has been a major focus of several institutions within a...

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