Haven't backed any projects yet!
This past week I was accepted to speak about this project at the American Physics Society's Mid-Atlantic Meeting in December. It is because of your continued support of this project that I was able...
A few weekends ago I went to PHS to conduct the last little bit of my project. I went for 3 days to create serial dilutions of exposed E.coli. They show a light blue color in the wells with the exp...
Hello, its been a while. I finished all of trial 3, and have started trial 4. I have still seen no visible mutations, but I am still looking more in depth at them. I am also factoring in a new test...
I have been working hard to observe the fruit flies from the first and second trial. I have, as of now, seen no mutations in any of the groupings. I have taken photos of all of the bags of them tha...
I have as of this point only been working with fruit flies, as they are organisms which are fairly close to humans. However, I also wanted to work with the Ames test, a test which is specifically d...
After several weeks, I finished Trial 1, and bagged all of the data and took photos of all of the data that I got. I have looked at many of the fruit flies that I got, and I have seen no mutations ...
On Thursday, I spent a fair bit of time counting and releasing the adults. I did this to ensure that the pure bred adults will not interfere with the data that I will be collecting later on. I also...
Hello all! I recently finished my first round of data and am currently in the process of analyzing it. However, after going through this process, I realized that there were a few kinks in the armor...
Due to the potential school closure, I am moving my project out of my school and into my house. However, my project is going well. I have started irradiating my fruit flies and am currently collect...
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