Robin Lynn Treptow

Robin Lynn Treptow

Great Falls, Montana

Doctoral Candidate Fielding Graduate University School of Leadership for Change Infant and Early Childhood Development with Emphases in Mental Health & Development Disabilities

Licensed Clinical Psychologist


Haven't backed any projects yet! 

Published on Aug 25, 2020

Doctors' bias affects infant mortality...

Here's a recent medical journal report (Greenwood et al., 2020) that examines the potential impact of doctors' bias on babies' mortality in the earliest days of life--especially if there are compli...

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Published on Jul 25, 2020

Listen to this podcast from the Carlot report on how doctors can notice (and change) their biases .

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Published on Jul 24, 2020

Updated link that takes you to my blog...

Here you go folks, in case you missed it last week. Hear my podcast "The Power of Expectations: Trisomy 21 and Down syndrome”

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Published on Jul 19, 2020

Here's the promised podcast that references results from this study...

Yesterday, this podcast about my research--and the story of my son with Trisomy 21 that goes along with and spurred it along--was aired on on EWTN radio. Enjoy it. The hosts are particularly engagi...

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Published on Jul 01, 2020

Doctor-Doctor Podcast

On 9 June I was interviewed by the hosts of “Doctor-Doctor,“ an award-winning radio show and podcast, about this research and the whole idea that expectations matter for what babies with Trisomy ...

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Published on Feb 01, 2020

What does our data about doctors early bias mean?!

What does our data about doctors early bias mean?!Varied challenges in gathering our sample limit what can be said about our data related to a larger group of children’s doctors. That means we kn...

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Published on Dec 16, 2018

Here's What We Found!!

Despite so many obstacles in getting children's doctors to do our survey, we at last have some data! Fifty-six doctors did the implicit association test (IAT; see a prior lab note), Further, 91% ...

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Published on May 01, 2018

Hurrah--a few doctors are tuning in!

Thank you everyone for your support of my research; it means a lot to me to have a few lurkers at interested in my question (and my findings)!As of this morning my link went out to a...

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Reply to:KethyLewisKethyLewis
Kethy— I appreciate your encouragement! Dr. Treptow
Reply to:ClaraBensonClaraBenson
Thanks, Ciara. I appreciate you stopping by to read about our project. Dr. Treptow
Reply to:FizzyParkerFizzyParker
Thanks, Fizzy! We are seeing more interest in this work—so that’s exciting. Dr. Treptow
Reply to:EricaBlantonEricaBlanton
Thank you, Erica. I'm glad you found it helpful. :)
Reply to:kasandraburkskasandraburks
Kasandra: so sorry for the late acknowledgement of your comment. I'm glad you enjoyed seeing the work. Robin
Reply to:BrendaEllisBrendaEllis
Brenda--thanks for sharing your appreciation of the project. Robin
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