Lucid Key to Staphylinidae Subfamilies

Rove beetles are one of the most diverse groups of organisms on Earth. I want to make an interactive online...

Something is wrong on the Internet! What does the Science Blogger do?

The goal of this project is to understand how science bloggers choose what to write about. What makes them...

Oh My Science Blog! Who reads science blogs, and why?

Who reads science blogs? Why do readers engage with science blogs, and what do they get out of the experience...

Are Implanted Prosthetic Legs for Horses Possible?

An unacceptable number of otherwise healthy horses are euthanized each year from lower limb ailments for...

To Selfie or Not to Selfie - How Can Scientists Foster Public Trust on Instagram?

U.S. adults see scientists as intelligent, but not always warm. This is a problem because people's perceptions...

Serpentine in Sri Lanka: Extreme environments on Earth and harbors of life on Mars

Our team aims to map and sample serpentine rocks and their related soils in Sri Lanka. These rocks originate...