West Lafayette, IN

Back to the Basics of Synthetic Biology

Need a to get back to the basics on what synthetic biology is? Check out our Lab Notes section below...

Identity and Community Among Male Fans of My Little Pony

We plan to explore the ways in which male fans of My Little Pony (Bronies) construct and perform a Brony...

Engineering E. coli to Treat Wastewater and Generate Energy

We are engineering two strains of E. coli: one to uptake phosphorus so as to prevent toxic algal growth...

Non-target effect of insecticide seed treatment on milkweeds and monarch butterflies

Monarch butterflies have experienced a long-term population decline. One untested hypothesis to explain...

Using turtle dogs to study wildlife diseases

Turtles are the most threatened group of vertebrate on the planet. Eastern box turtles were once common...