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- Alan David ChristianBackerGood luck, now get to work!:-)Jun 27, 20150
- Helene DuvalBackerGood luck with your work! Make sure you share the results broadly ;)Jun 26, 20150
- Amy JohnstonBackerGood luck!!:)Jun 22, 20150
- Matt StevensBackerGood luck Laurissa. I put a plug in for you at Akamai Sustainability, hopefully they may lean into your fund raising campaign. MattJun 22, 20150
- Laurissa GulichResearcherThat's so awesome! Thank you for your generosity and efforts!Jul 21, 20150
- Laurissa GulichResearcherThat's so awesome! Thank you for your generosity and efforts!Jul 21, 20150
- Laurissa GulichResearcherThat's so awesome! Thank you for your generosity and efforts!Jul 21, 20150
- Cindy WuBackerGood luck Laurissa! I can't wait to see what you find.Jun 20, 20150
- Todd S. GulichBackerEvery little bit helps ...Jun 20, 20150