Does Health Literacy Correlate with Elevated HbA1c in Under-served Communities in Mexico?

Raised of $3,900 Goal
Ended on 5/12/18
Campaign Ended
  • $157
  • 5%
  • Finished
    on 5/12/18



The principal investigator is a UCI Associate Professor with research interests in cardiology, exercise, diet, and metabolic disease. The essential core team consists of a medical student who is currently undergoing one research gap year and will lead the team in terms of what is ethical. We will use the REDCap data website to ensure data entry on subjects who enroll is protected and no subject identifiers will be used. Instead, a subject ID code with be used in place of the identifier. Administration of questionnaires and laboratory specimen collection will be done by myself and other students although the medical student will intervene if necessary.    


The only major factor that can make or break this project is the lack of funding which can reduce the power of the study. Other sources of research funding comes from being able to apply for small university programs which grant funds to undergraduate researchers.

Pre Analysis Plan

We will use regressional analyses to correlate hemoglobin-A1c with health literacy scoring on the SKILL-D assessment. We will also count the frequency of diabetic complications in each patient and associate that with literacy scoring as a secondary objective. The principal investigator has knowledge in bio-statistics so assistance on analysis so his input will also be of value.


Browse the protocols that are part of the experimental methods.