Effects of Extended Game Play on Overall Wellbeing among the Millennial Generation

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Ended on 3/15/17
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  • $29
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    on 3/15/17



The research questions for this study will include the following:

R1: Does Systolic and Diastolic Blood pressure increase in millennial males

following 4 hours of continuous gameplay?

H01: There is no relationship between systolic or diastolic blood pressure and 4

hours of continuous game play in millennial males.

H1: There is a relationship between systolic or diastolic blood pressure and 4

hours of continuous game play in millennial males.

R2: Does reaction time decrease in millennial males following 4 hours of

continuous gameplay?

H02: There is no relationship between reaction time and 4 hours of continuous

game play in millennial males.

H2: There is a relationship between reaction time and 4 hours of continuous game

play in millennial males.

R3: Is risk aversion hindered in millennial males following 4 hours of continuous


H03: There is no relationship between risk taking and 4 hours of continuous game

play in millennial males.

H3: There is a relationship between risk taking and 4 hours of continuous game

play in millennial males.

R4: Will memory be impaired in millennial males following 4 hours of continuous


H04: There is no relationship between cognition and 4 hours of continuous game

play in millennial males.

H4: There is a relationship between cognition and 4 hours of continuous game

play in millennial males.

Pre Analysis Plan

A Post-Hoc Power Analysis will be conducted to determine the sample size was

effective. In study population, 56% of men play video games (Entertainment Software

Association, 2015). Of millennial males, 34% have some college education < 4 years

(Taylor & Keeter, 2010). Millennial Generation Males that reside in Missouri total age

18-35 total 743,251 (Missouri Census Data Center, 2016). Power analysis parameters are

as follows. Population: 141,515 Effect Size: correlation coefficient of 0.50 Alpha: 0.05

Beta or Power: 0.20. To determine a finite representation of the distribution, measure of central tendency will be executed, mean, median, and mode. Standard deviation will be

calculated to express variability of the population. The process of Analysis will advance

by using a one-way MANOVA. With a single statistical test on the correlated dependent

variable the probability for false positives or Type I errors will be greatly reduced.

Conducting a MANOVA will reveal if there is an interaction effect as it will determine

how independent variables may influence some patterning of the responses and results of

the change scores (Levin, Fox, & Forde, 2014). Successively Wilk’s Lambda to pool the

variance from all the dimensions to create the test statistic followed by Cohen’s d to

standardize mean difference. If multivariate testing is significant then a post hoc analysis will be run to discern the nature of the differences. Plots of mean group differences will be created and checked for each DV (Levin, et.al., 2014). Hotelling’s T-square Test Statistic will be performed to determine if extended game play significantly altered the subject’s cognitive and

physiological functions as collected during pre and posttests. Mahalanobis distance

squared statistical measure calculations will reveal any cases of multivariate outliers. If

outliers are identified the cases will be further analyzed to ensure no miss entry of data

and if need be corrected or removed from the data set (Levin, et.al., 2014).


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