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  • Margaret Hicks
    Margaret HicksBacker
    Congrats! So happy and relieved you made your funding goal. This gift was made in support of my son, Charles’, love of Manta Rays. Will hope one day he will get the opportunity to dive with these majestic, awe-inspiring creatures. We all remain really grateful for what you do to protect them and to help create safe opportunities for human encounters! 💖
    Jun 24, 2018
  • Simon Hilbourne
    Simon HilbourneResearcher
    Dear Margaret, please pass on our thanks to Charles! His pledge has helped us to meet our target. We really hope he gets the chance to swim with mantas one day too :)
    Jun 25, 2018
  • Alex Prijic Smith & Vargas Goteo
    Alex Prijic Smith & Vargas GoteoBacker
    So exciting! Coming across this project first thing today set the tone for good day! Thank you for everything you do to raise awareness and push progress. Hopefully see you on a dive at some point ;)
    Jun 24, 2018
  • Simon Hilbourne
    Simon HilbourneResearcher
    Thank you for your kind support! We're really exciting to kick start this project asap now that we have met our target!
    Jun 25, 2018
  • Corey Rae Nevels
    Corey Rae Nevels Backer
    So much is still unknown about these magnificent animals. The more we know, the more we can protect them. I'm excited to follow this project and for the results!
    Jun 21, 2018
  • Simon Hilbourne
    Simon HilbourneResearcher
    Thanks Corey, we've hit our target so thank you for your support. We hope to have some exciting stuff to share later in the year
    Jun 25, 2018
  • Eleanor smith
    Eleanor smithBacker
    Good luck!
    Jun 05, 2018
  • Simon Hilbourne
    Simon HilbourneResearcher
    Thanks Eleanor! We're a step closer thanks to you!
    Jun 05, 2018