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- Erin LavinBackerAnimo, Bret!Dec 03, 20131
- Robert BedinghausBackerGood luck Bret!Dec 02, 20131
- Cindy WuBackerSuper excited to be supporting Bret!Nov 14, 20130
- Bret LinfordResearcherThanks Cindy!Nov 14, 20130
- ChrisLiking this idea. I am really interested in Dominican Spanish and travel there often so let me know if you have any questions.Nov 14, 20130
- Bret LinfordResearcherHi Chris. Are you also a researcher? I may have a few questions for you. How can I contact you? My e-mail is blinford@indiana.eduNov 14, 20130
- ChrisI am a current grad student in Hispanic Linguistics at Penn State. Feel free to shoot me an email at cmc5294@psu.eduNov 14, 20130
- Amelia JaneBackerI dig thee approach - good luck!Nov 14, 20130
- Bret LinfordResearcherThanks Amelia!Nov 14, 20130
- Bret LinfordResearcherThanks for upping the pledge!Dec 03, 20130
- Amelia JaneBackerYou were so close! I wanted to make sure you hit your goal! Good luck!Dec 05, 20131
- Mary E. HeapsBackerHope you get your just disserts, Bret :)Nov 13, 20130
- Tia LinfordBackerI hope your project turns out great!Nov 12, 20130
- Dawn GeeBackerGood luck!!Nov 12, 20130
- Avizia Yim LongBackerBest of luck Bret! I look forward to seeing all of the great things you will do and places you will go! ^^Nov 11, 20130
- Bret LinfordResearcherThanks again Avizia!Nov 14, 20130