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  • Mandy Lu
    Mandy LuBacker
    Merry Christmas to you Mandy Lu We wish we could be with you and your parents too Love Aunt Joanie & Uncle Duck
    Dec 21, 2018
  • Elaine Mittell
    Elaine MittellBacker
    This donation is in honor of my niece, Greta Hardy-Mittell.
    Dec 08, 2018
  • Shannan Courtenay
    Shannan CourtenayResearcher
    Thank you so much Elaine! We love having Greta here volunteering with us. She is doing such a great job and seems to be really enjoying herself. It's so important to have positive people in such a remote environment and Greta is a real asset to the team. Thanks again.
    Dec 08, 2018
  • charlotte Bellamy
    charlotte BellamyBacker
    My son and a friend raised 100euros at his school in The Netherlands to back this project. We were in the park in the summer and his highlight was the macaws and the clay lick. So he really wanted to support this cause as its in a place he knows and he feels proud to be helping.
    Dec 03, 2018
  • Shannan Courtenay
    Shannan CourtenayResearcher
    Wow this really touched all of our hearts Charlotte. Please, thank your son, his friend and their school for their efforts to raise this money. We would love to say thank you by naming the next foster chick in honour of them. Hopefully you and your family come back to TRC one day to see the chicks around the research center.
    Dec 03, 2018
  • Sarah Dobe-Hund
    Sarah Dobe-HundBacker
    I visited Tambopata on my honeymoon and am glad to see the research and conservation happening there!
    Nov 30, 2018
  • Shannan Courtenay
    Shannan CourtenayResearcher
    Thank you so much Sarah! It’s wonderful to hear that you have experienced this place and seen these beautiful birds in person. We appreciate your support so much.
    Dec 03, 2018
  • Peter Macdissi
    Peter MacdissiBacker
    Keep up the good work. Thank you.
    Nov 27, 2018
  • Gabriela Vigo Trauco
    Gabriela Vigo TraucoResearcher
    Thanks to you Peter!. We are truly grateful for your kindness and generosity. We will let you know how our foster chicks are doing. Indy and Parker send their "thank you" as well.
    Nov 27, 2018
  • Barbara Bingham Deutscher
    Barbara Bingham DeutscherBacker
    Thank you so much for your outstanding dedication and efforts to conserve Scarlets and other parrots in the wild!
    Nov 15, 2018
  • Shannan Courtenay
    Shannan CourtenayResearcher
    Hi Barbara, we couldn’t do it without people like you! Thanks so much for your support.
    Nov 16, 2018
  • Ashley Clayton Olive
    Ashley Clayton OliveBacker
    Good luck team! I visited the TRC this summer and am so excited to watch the new developments in species protection.
    Nov 15, 2018
  • Shannan Courtenay
    Shannan CourtenayResearcher
    Hi Ashley, I'm so glad to hear that you came to TRC and were able to experience this wonderfully diverse place! Thank you very much for your support. Please email me at tambopatamacawprojecthelp@gmail.com if you would like to join our mailing list. Thanks again
    Nov 15, 2018
  • Amanda Debler
    Amanda DeblerBacker
    Looking forward to seeing if this helps these wonderful birds long term!
    Nov 13, 2018
  • Shannan Courtenay
    Shannan CourtenayResearcher
    Thank you very much for your support and generosity Amanda. We will keep you up to date with how the research goes throughout the breeding season.
    Nov 13, 2018
  • Patricia Sund
    Patricia SundBacker
    I'm very happy to help move this important work forward.
    Nov 08, 2018
  • Shannan Courtenay
    Shannan CourtenayResearcher
    Thank you Patricia! This work could not go ahead without people like you sharing our project and donating. It's VERY much appreciated.
    Nov 08, 2018
  • Gabriela Vigo Trauco
    Gabriela Vigo TraucoResearcher
    Thanks so much for your support Sheryl! We will keep you posted on how it goes this year for sure :-) Hugs Gaby
    Nov 07, 2018
  • Sheryl Robinson
    Sheryl RobinsonBacker
    Great work on last year's project! Can't wait to hear more positive outcomes this year! Wish I could help hands on, but since that's not possible, here is a start to next year's funding! Thank you for helping the wild macaws and teaching other researchers new methods to preserve future generations!
    Nov 07, 2018