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- Cindy & KramerBackerThis is awesome - super excited to see what you uncover. Good luck!Aug 25, 20141
- Karl KempeBackerHi Shaun. You might not remember me, but we overlapped slightly in Scotch 'n Soda when we were at CMU. If not, ask Rob. I would like to help out in any way possible (whenever I have time outside of work). I'm proficient in Python and its numerical packages (numpy, scipy, and pandas). Other languages (if appropriate) I know are Javascript (for possible front-end solutions if needed) and Go. I think you have a great objective and I'd like to contribute some of my time if you would like the assistance. Hope to hear from you. And good luck with the funding. Karl karlkempe@gmail.comAug 25, 20141
- Shaun SwansonResearcherHey Karl! Yeah, I remember you from Scotch 'n' Soda stuff during my freshman year. :) Feel free to join our informal research group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/326242020866402/ And we're collaborating out of this shared environment: https://ide.c9.io/drproton/complex_thermostatisticsSep 02, 20140
- Philip SheldrakeBackerI introduce the concept of influence flows in the organizational context in my book, The Business of Influence (Wiley, 2011). In my 2013 ebook, Attenzi – a social business story, I describe how the management team adopts the organization-as-organism / business-as-biology metaphor, and views the business as a complex adaptive system. So this experiment is right up my street. Looking forward to keeping in touch.Aug 24, 20141
- David GraysonBackerKia ora and good luck from an impressed KiwiAug 20, 20141
- Robert CavagnaroBackerLooking forward to the lectures. I've always found thermo the most interesting subject I've had to learn or teach.Aug 19, 20141
- Shaun SwansonResearcheryou're going to love the videos, Rob! Thank for contributing. :)Aug 19, 20140
- Stephanie ScottBackerATECH Love! Good luck with this great new venture Shaun!Aug 15, 20141
- HammedBackerGood luck!Aug 15, 20141
- Musa JahanghirBackerPlease consider using a simulation tool for repeatable results, free& easy: such as Python or even better F#..nice examples in a book e.g. http://www.amazon.com/F-Quantitative-Finance-Johan-Astborg/dp/1782164626/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=undefined&sr=1-1&keywords=quantitative+finance+f%23Aug 15, 20141
- Shaun SwansonResearcherThank you for the recommendation! We are spinning up an open-source development environment for the research community that is growing around these ideas. Feel free to follow the public github we'll be using to store all code used, and to contribute your own code in F#! http://bit.ly/complex_gitAug 15, 20140
- Eddy SeethoBacker=]Aug 14, 20141
- Tyler HanevoldBackerI hope you are able to make a breakthrough!Aug 12, 20141
- Shaun SwansonResearcherI hope *we* are able to. Thanks for contributing! :DAug 12, 20140
- Dylan JorgensenBackerGood luckAug 04, 20141
- Tommy LambertBackerNo more dramatic removal of glasses + zoom in effects. Just kidding, I don't really care about that part. Been a while since Swendsen's class and I've fallen out of practice completely with statistical mechanics. I'm looking forward to the refresher course, and who knows, you might just push the field forward!Aug 03, 20141
- Shaun SwansonResearcherJust for you, Tommy: http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130618000829/random-ness/images/5/55/Glasses_off.gifAug 03, 20140
- John Erik MetcalfBackerLove this!Aug 02, 20141
- Faiz ThoughtsBackerThe new wave of science...Jul 31, 20141
- Shaun SwansonResearcherLet's rock the boat! ;)Jul 31, 20140
- Shaun SwansonResearcherWhat a great first day! :) Onward to $3,000!!Jul 29, 20140
- Jason GroteBackerGodspeed brah!Jul 29, 20141
- And1BackerGood luck!Jul 29, 20141
- Adrian DruzgalskiBackerThis is awesome!Jul 29, 20141
- Gabriel ShepherdBackerI don't know what any of this means, but I like your passion and GO SCIENCE!!!Jul 29, 20141
- Shaun SwansonResearcherPassion doesn't even begin to describe it! :DAug 01, 20140
- Jake JonesBackerI'm glad I know someone like you :) I really look forward to see the videos and more so where your research takes you.Jul 29, 20141
- Astrid SilvaBackerGo Shaun! One day i'll be able to contribute more to the sciences, til then WOOO!Jul 29, 20141
- Shaun SwansonResearcherI look forward to that day. :)Aug 01, 20140
- Lindsay MacVeanBackerkeep it up Shaun, can't wait to hear more about this work :)Jul 29, 20141
- David Ryal AndersonBackerGreat job!!!Jul 29, 20141
- Chris O'ConnellBackerShaun!Jul 28, 20141
- Marie ApplegateBackernerds are hawtJul 28, 20141
- Oscar JasklowskiBackerShaun, you explain in 21 seconds (from 2:54 to 3:15 in your video) what I struggled with for semesters at a time in college. This rules. Count me in for the 10 part video series!!Jul 28, 20142
- Shaun SwansonResearcherThanks for the encouragement, Oscar!! :)Aug 01, 20140