Using Ouijas to Explore the Unconscious: You Know More Than You Think...

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Raised of $6,300 Goal
Ended on 11/22/13
Campaign Ended
  • $1,040
  • 17%
  • Finished
    on 11/22/13

About This Project

Ever had a hunch that turned out to be right but you didn't know why? Ever follow your instincts successfully but didn't know how you knew it was the right thing to do? With the Inner Intelligence Project, we are investigating where this knowledge is coming from, and whether we have unconscious knowledge hidden beyond the reach of our conscious mind. In 2012 our lab published a study about our discovery of an amazing and unexpected tool which allows us a rare window into our unconscious minds: a Ouija board. For more info on our project, visit our website at

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What is the context of this research?

We would like to run two (maybe three) further studies based on our original project. The first would investigate the kinds of information that are (or are not) easily learned by the unconscious mind. The second would see what conditions affect the retrieval of unconscious knowledge, including such things as a player’s cultural background. We would also like to run a third experiment if we reach our initial funding goal. This third experiment would explore the collective unconscious — e.g., whether we can combine the unconscious knowledge of several people without their being aware of this.

What is the significance of this project?

You know a great deal more than you are consciously aware of. The idea of a hidden mind directing our lives is not a new idea, but is one which hasn't been easy to study in a rigorous way. We believe that ouija is a promising way to explore what we keep hidden below our consciousness. Using our methods, we can compare participants' conscious and unconscious answers, and get some interesting insight into what our unconscious mind is capable of, and perhaps even a better understanding of why we have consciousness.

What are the goals of the project?

These will be used for two things: (1) compensating the participants in our experiments; each participant will be given $10 for their participation. (2) supporting research assistants to conduct the experiments and analyze the data.


Experiment: Controlled Learning
Experiment: Effects of Environment on Ouija Answers
Experiment: The Group Unconscious

Our goal is to fully fund two new experiments for the Ouija project with one stretch goal to fund a third should we reach our initial funding target. All the funds we raise will be spend on experimental sessions; compensating both participants and experimenters.

Meet the Team

UBC Visual Cognition Lab
UBC Visual Cognition Lab

Team Bio

The Visual Cognition Lab is located in the department of Psychology at the University of British Columbia. Founded in 2000 by principle investigator Dr. Ronald Rensink, the Visual Cognition Lab has embarked on a diverse array of research experiments seeking to understand visual attention, visual intelligence, and automatic (or nonconscious) cognition. Our projects range from change blindness to the effects of culture on perception. These projects have been presented in various conferences around the world and have gained the interest and support of several industries such as Nissan and Boeing. Many of the projects from the VCL examine new issues using innovative techniques; as a lab we love blazing trails in fields which haven’t received as much attention as they deserve and this has led to many unexpected and exciting results.

The researchers associated with this project are Dr. Ronald Rensink and Dr. Helene Gauchou

UBC Visual Cognition Lab

The Visual Cognition Lab is located in the department of Psychology at the University of British Columbia. Founded in 2000 by principle investigator Dr. Ronald Rensink, the Visual Cognition Lab has embarked on a diverse array of research experiments seeking to understand visual attention, visual intelligence, and automatic (or nonconscious) cognition. Our projects range from change blindness to the effects of culture on perception. These projects have been presented in various conferences around the world and have gained the interest and support of several industries such as Nissan and Boeing. Many of the projects from the VCL examine new issues using innovative techniques; as a lab we love blazing trails in fields which haven’t received as much attention as they deserve and this has led to many unexpected and exciting results.

Lab Notes

Nothing posted yet.

Additional Information

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Project Backers

  • 21Backers
  • 17%Funded
  • $1,040Total Donations
  • $49.52Average Donation