Danielle D'Amato

Danielle D'Amato

Jun 15, 2015

Group 6 Copy 61

Beautiful Cumberland Island

I am so lucky to be a researcher on Cumberland Island! I spend my days on Cumberland searching for terrapins and any nests I can find. When I am searching for turtles, I often get to see a lot of wonderful other thing. I get to see a lot of native plants and wen they are in bloom the marsh banks are littered with specks of color. On my nesting beach I noticed a killdeer sitting on a nest and snapped a picture when she took off to eat. While searching for sharks teeth on my time off I can across my first velvet ant, I was so excited to see one! I was diving to one of my crab pot areas, and what was in the middle of the road?! A gopher tortoise I was off my rocker when I saw this sub adult male. Even on days when I don't see any terrapins, I look around the island and know how lucky I am to spend my days in beautiful Cumberland Island.


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About This Project

There is no previous population study that exists on the Diamondback terrapins of Cumberland Island, Georgia. The main objective of my study is to provide baseline population data that will be used for the continued long term monitoring and management of this species on the Island. Another major objective is to identify the active nesting sites on the Island and make recommendations for protection, if warranted. Finally, I will assess the predators affecting this population.

Blast off!

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