Zach Resnick

Zach Resnick

May 26, 2015

Group 6 Copy 107

Who is being interviewed and what will they be asked?

I plan to find my interviewees through my network of personal connections. I'm a graduate of the Seeds of Peace program: a summer camp for Israelis, Palestinians, Jordanians, Egyptians, and Americans. Alumni of the program fit into each media category, and I can find them using the Seeds of Peace alumni network. I will contact those at The Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions (an organization I worked for one year) or other NGOs that have a high probability of dealing with the population I'm looking for to formulate a list of interviewees. In addition to my connections in the NGO world, I plan to write a brief summary of the research I will be conducting. I will then send out a social media blast on Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, etc. Given this is research about internet media, the target populations for the interviews will be heavily active on social media and likely to respond to this kind of request.

Below is my working list of questions I intend to ask the participants:

1) Would you use the phrase 'The 2014 Israel-Gaza Conflict' to describe the events between June 2014-August 2014? If so, why? If not, what term would you prefer and what are your reasons for choosing that term?

2) Do you think that there is one party that bears primary responsibility for the escalation of violence between Hamas and the IDF in June of 2014? Why?

3) In the context of the conflict, what is one event you wished the internet media broadly speaking gave more coverage to? Why?

4) In the context of the conflict, what is one event you think the internet media broadly speaking gave too much coverage to? Why?

5) What internet media do you generally access to be informed about events in the region? For twitter, reddit, facebook, etc. who do you follow/what subreddits do you frequent/etc.? Are you generally a passive consumer or do you participate by commenting, retweeting, posting, etc.?

6) What makes this media valuable, in your view?

7) Do you feel that the specific internet media you consume provided fair coverage of the 2014 Israel-Gaza Conflict? Why?

8) What is an example of unfair coverage in the internet media broadly speaking that you read? Why was this coverage unfair?


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  • Oscar Jasklowski
    Oscar JasklowskiBacker
    These are good questions! What if someone just responds "twitter" to #5, for example. Can you ask them to be more specific? I imagine twitter is hard to bucket because you have every kind of information source mixed in.
    Jun 16, 2015
  • Zach Resnick
    Zach ResnickResearcher
    Yeah that's a great suggestion Oscar! I certainly plan on asking further questions if they respond with 'twitter', 'facebook', etc. I will definitely put some thought now into what follow-up questions will be for that and maybe for other questions too and update the lab notes accordingly.
    Jun 17, 2015

About This Project

Depending on the media source one consumes, the interpretations of politically divisive events, like the 2014 Israel-Gaza Conflict, will be decidedly different. I'm interested specifically in how the events were interpreted by internet media in Israel/Palestine across the spectrum of political perspectives. After developing a greater understanding of how these media sources differ, I will be able to begin to explain why they diverge, and the significance of these divergences.

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