Charles H.F. Davis I I I

Charles H.F. Davis I I I

Tallahassee, FL


Haven't backed any projects yet! 

Published on Jul 14, 2014

American Matthew: A Vignette of a Patriot


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Published on Jun 30, 2014

50th Anniversary Freedom Summer

Tougaloo CollegeFreedom Summer 50 gallery

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Published on Jun 25, 2014

Research Update 6/25

analysis software programour study

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Published on May 12, 2014

Research Update 5/12

TITLE: Toward a genre theory of contemporary student organizing: An exploration of alternative and activist new media perspectivesABSTRACT:  Alternative and activist new media provide new ways and ...

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Published on Mar 04, 2014

Activist Millennial: Marie Paul

[ORLANDO, FL] Continuing on the research trail, our work took us to the University of Central Florida (UCF). There, we spoke with Marie Paul, a UCF student and Dre...

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Published on Feb 23, 2014

Activist Millennial: Andrew Ginden

[BOCA RATON, FL] Our stint in South Florida proved to be amazingly productive as we were able to successfully speak with 11 students on 3 campuses in 3 cities. Her...

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Published on Feb 10, 2014

Activist Millennial: Nickeela Fisher

[DAVIE, FL] With the first leg of our 6-city, 8-campus tour to interview students in Florida complete, we wanted to share with you a sneak peek of the students with whom we are talking. We hope to...

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Published on Jan 30, 2014

Destination: Miami

[MIAMI, FL] It has begun! We've made it to Miami safely and are on the way to completing our first of eight campus visits over the next 4 weeks in six different cities. Thanks to your support, we w...

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Published on Jan 01, 2014

We Did It!

[AMP BASECAMP] On January 1, 2014, our first AMP Fund campaign officially came to a close. And, thanks to all of our wonderful supporters who tweeted, facebooked, instagrammed, we were able to rais...

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