Danielle D'Amato

Danielle D'Amato

Jun 26, 2015

Group 6 Copy 96

A Nest!!!

On May 28

a terrapin was observed nesting on the beach south of the jetties, not next to the marsh. Until this time the only nests that I found had been destroyed by raccoons. Unfortunately On May 28
I was on the mainland going grocery shopping, the researcher who observed this female nesting let her walk away an go on her merry way. HEAD SLAP, Oh man was I bummed to learn she let the terrapin go. However I now have a nest with a predator exclusion device on top, as well as a trail camera to note any visits to the nest by other animals.

I check on the nest every few days for any disturbances by animals and to see if the nest has been washed out (the tide being so high the nest becomes wet and typically would fail after that). Fingers crossed that everything will remain positive for this next and around July 28

I have hatchlings to show everyone!!! Till then, I am still on the hunt for more terrapins nesting :)

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About This Project

There is no previous population study that exists on the Diamondback terrapins of Cumberland Island, Georgia. The main objective of my study is to provide baseline population data that will be used for the continued long term monitoring and management of this species on the Island. Another major objective is to identify the active nesting sites on the Island and make recommendations for protection, if warranted. Finally, I will assess the predators affecting this population.

Blast off!

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