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Video Presentation

I am currently cleaning our specimens in the laboratory. These fossils are going to form the core of a scientific paper that will reveal to the world the diversity from the Almond Formation.

Here is a video highlighting some of our favorite discoveries. Enjoy!


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  • Marilyn  Holloway
    Marilyn HollowayBacker
    Good job ! I forgot to ask, why is it called the Almond Formation ?
    May 26, 2021
  • Ethan Warner-Cowgill
    Ethan Warner-CowgillResearcher
    Good question! Formation names usually derive from nearby bodies of water, towns, or people. The Almond formation, though, is named after an old stagecoach station from the wild west days. The area was actually an outlaw hideout for the 'Hole in the Wall Gang.' The legendary train robber Butch Cassidy, too spent time there. He got his name from working at a Butcher shop in a small town near the Almond formation outcrops.
    May 26, 2021

About This Project

We are leading an expedition to the Late Cretaceous Almond Formation of Southwestern Wyoming. Our goal is to find and collect scientifically significant dinosaur specimens. The Almond Formation is about 72 million years old. Well preserved Dinosaurs from this slice of time are, with a few exceptions, almost unheard of from the state of Wyoming. There is a high likelihood, therefore, that whatever dinosaurs are found will represent never before seen species.

Blast off!

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