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Good news !!

Two months since the end of the campaign. We received the money from Since then I have spent around 30% of the total in a couple of important reagents. This has allowed me to plan more experiments than before and we are finding very interesting results.

I am not ready to publish it yet and we need more data but things are going well. I am not 100% sure about it but it seems there is an early mechanism of survival in lung cancer cells that is activated after exposure to erlotinib (tarceva). I am still not sure that is general mechanism or is dependent on erlotinib (or on losing EGFR signaling). And it implies an alternative spicing (a change on the genetic sequence and after that on the structure of the protein) of a protein involved in cellular death.

These results support our initial hypothesis but also open the window to explore what is going on the early days of resistance to the drug. And, that could be a therapeutic opportunity.

I hope that I would be able to confirm these results. And, again, thank you all since I have know more freedom (thanks to the crowdfunding) to plan and do experiments.


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  • Kristina Corrales
    Kristina CorralesBacker
    This is fantastic! Thank you for sharing and for your dedication to progress in lung cancer research.
    May 12, 2015
  • Angela Mojica
    Angela MojicaBacker
    Thank you Jordi for sharing the excellent news on your research!!! Angela MM
    May 12, 2015

About This Project

We are working with a protein that modulates the genetic information to generate different proteins from the same gene. These proteins might even have opposite functions. This process is called alternative splicing.

We hypothesize that alternative splicing could be a novel mechanism of regulation of the resistance to targeted therapy in lung cancer. This project will allow the identification of key elements of this resistance.

Blast off!

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