Liza Dadone

Liza Dadone

Colorado Springs, CO

Adjunct Faculty in Avian, Exotics, & Zoological Medicine, Colorado State University; Clinical Associate Faculty, Western University College of Veterinary Medicine

Vice President of Mission & Programs. I oversee the veterinary, conservation, & education departments at the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo.


Published on Dec 16, 2021

We're published!!

We are so excited & grateful that this wild giraffe foot study is now published! What a journey traveling 1/2 way around the world with x-ray equipment, into a national park in Uganda to help w...

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Published on Jun 21, 2020

When do giraffe stop getting taller?

As we celebrate the world's tallest mammal on the longest day of the year (June 21), we wanted to update you on our research. While the study was designed to compare foot health between zoo and wil...

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Published on Jun 20, 2020

5 giraffe treated so far with stem cells!

As part of our celebration of World Giraffe Day (June 21), we wanted to share some exciting updates on this project. Thanks to the research you helped make possible, five giraffe around the country...

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Published on Oct 09, 2018

We're getting the word out! Ahoy from the international zoo vet conference in Prague, where we've just presented our results!

The results are in...there ARE major differences in foot shape, weight bearing, and bone health for zoo and wild giraffe! This is helping us now develop new protocols to help guide hoof trims and m...

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Published on Nov 07, 2017

We're making progress! We've now studied X-rays from 24 wild giraffe. But as with most things, the more you know, the more questions you have.

During Operation Twiga, we anesthetized younger/smaller animals as these would be safer to transport to their new habitat. The X-rays show that many of these giraffe were still growing taller and h...

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Published on Sep 04, 2017

We helped w giraffe conservation AND did our wild giraffe x-ray study in Uganda! We have a lot of data to analyze now, but it looks like there are some important differences between giraffe in zoos & the wild.

We helped w giraffe conservation AND did our wild giraffe x-ray study in Uganda! We have a lot of data to analyze now, but it looks like there are some important differences between giraffe in zoos...

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Published on Jul 29, 2017

We're going to Uganda! Same study, different location. It will be epic!

We're changing the location for the wild hoof study from Namibia to Uganda! In August, the Ugandan government will be relocating wild giraffe across the Nile River back to their historic home range...

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Reply to:Nicole SharpeNicole Sharpe
It isn't easy on joints to weigh a ton. This imaging really helps us see joint inflammation and if treatments are making a difference. I think stem cell treatments will likely dramatically decrease this inflammation, and help keep arthritic giraffe comfortably.