Tobias Wenzel

Tobias Wenzel

Santiago Chile

UC Chile, Institute for Biological and Medical Engineering

Group leader / Prof. Dr.


Published on Jul 02, 2024

Exciting Updates and Progress

Hey everyone!We know itโ€™s been a bit quiet on our end, but rest assured, we've been hard at work behind the scenes! Our team has been making significant strides, pushing for improvements and change...

Group 6 Copy 1,489
Published on Feb 06, 2024

Experiment update - parts complete to build a first version

Just a little behind schedule, we have pretty much all of the components ready for the first test of the OpenUC2 based light sheet microscope and its use for droplets.Lead by my colleague Vicente P...

Group 6 Copy 710
Published on Sep 13, 2023

Funding received (+ transaction costs)

Hey awesome backers and public,We've got fantastic news! The funds you so generously provided have landed in our accounts. We raised a grand total of $10,120 USD. ๐ŸŽ‰ However, there were some transac...

Group 6 Copy 86
Published on Jul 20, 2023

Project is funded!

Thank you so much to all backers! We are really excited that you enable us to research the mentioned challenges and hopefully generate and exciting and impactful result.

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Published on Jul 14, 2023

We created a video to explain the context and method of our project in more detail - please support our finishing campaign!

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Published on May 30, 2023

We are excited to also use our pocket PCR open hardware instrument for the droplet PCR planned in this project.

We are excited to also use our pocket PCR open hardware instrument for the droplet PCR planned in this project.

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