Ann K Money

Ann K Money

Tulsa, OK

Oklahoma Aquarium

Director of Research


Haven't backed any projects yet! 

Published on May 12, 2022

Stretch goals

Thank you to everyone that helped us reach our Experiment fundraising goal! Current funding for the molecular work will be used to isolate genomic DNA from Echinopora tissue and amplify fragments o...

Group 6 Copy 228
Published on Apr 05, 2022

The video is showing coral expelling its symbiont during temperature stress. The algae symbiont fluoresces red under blue excitation.

The video is showing coral expelling its symbiont during temperature stress. The algae symbiont fluoresces red under blue excitation.

Group 6 Copy 45
Published on Apr 18, 2018

Hi Everyone! We are hard at work finishing up the final touches of the research space. Thank you again everyone for your support! I have added 3 "stretch items" to the budget. The lids and probe holders will assistant in making all the data collected...

Hi Everyone! We are hard at work finishing up the final touches of the research space. Thank you again everyone for your support! I have added 3 "stretch items" to the budget. The lids and probe ho...

Group 6 Copy 221
Published on Apr 15, 2018

So Many Thanks!

We did it! Thank you so much to my friends, family and the support of CAA. Through your generosity, I am ready to fill research tanks, monitor water chemistries and acclimate coral fragments in pre...

Group 6 Copy 222
Published on Apr 06, 2018

GFP Fluorescence Expression

These are images of the fluorescence expression of a bleached and non-bleached Montipora spongodes and a beautiful, healthy Montipora capricornus purple morph. The spectrometer will be used to quan...

Group 6 Copy 120
Published on Mar 22, 2018

Preparing for trials

My fantastic undergraduate research assistants and myself have been busy working to set up the research space within the Oklahoma Aquarium. We are ready to fill tanks and the coral are ready to be ...

Group 6 Copy 45

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