Donald R Powers

Donald R Powers

Newberg, OR

George Fox University

Professor of Biology


Published on Feb 15, 2022

Project Data Published!!!!

It has taken some time but our data from this project has been published in the Journal of Experimental Biology. Here is the link to the paper:

Group 6 Copy 371
Published on Nov 28, 2019

Project Data Presented at the Murdock College Science Research Conference

After months of hard work Nathaniel and Elliot presented preliminary results of our project at the Murdock College Science Research Conference in Vancouver, WA. This was the first time Nathaniel a...

Group 6 Copy 199
Published on Jul 09, 2019

The Number-Crunching Grind!

I have not published a lab note in a while largely because Elliot and Nathaniel are in the midst of number crunching (and becoming acquainted with the more tedious aspect of science) and frankly an...

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Published on Jun 25, 2019

Analysis Begins!!

After several days on the road (me), and a few days off (Nathaniel and Elliot), we are back in the lab and at work analyzing data. In a few minutes I will be off to return the rental truck that se...

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Published on Jun 18, 2019

Okay, One More Note Before We Go!

I have a couple of videos I thought I would share for fun before we pack up in a couple hours. The first is a video of Elliot enduring the joys of removing a hummingbird from a holding cage so it ...

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Published on Jun 18, 2019

All Good Things......

Today is our last day of data. collection. Elliot is trying to get some last minute measurements on black-chinned hummingbirds, which have the bane of his experiment, to increase sample size while...

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Published on Jun 17, 2019

Boys just gotta have fun!

Sorry there was no lab note yesterday, but we took a much needed day off. Nathaniel and Elliot have been working hard and have collected lots of great data, but the grind was wearing a bit and a s...

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Published on Jun 15, 2019

Watching Young Scientists Learn

I have been mentoring young students for more than 30 years, but to watch them grow as they progress through their first real research experience never ceases to bring a smile to my face. As we ne...

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Published on Jun 14, 2019

Clever Little Tricks

One potential problem that we were going to have with Elliot's flight arena was removing the hummingbird at the end of a trial. Hummingbirds are quick and agile, and frankly a challenge to human m...

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