Gunnar Schade

Gunnar Schade

College Station, TX

Associate Professor


Haven't backed any projects yet! 

Published on Oct 25, 2020

Multiple project delays ...

Folks,It has been a long time I updated you on our progress.As you can imagine, the pandemic has affected this project, as it has all our lives.In our case though, problems began earlier ... in sum...

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Published on May 18, 2019

Deployment time ...

After a longer period of procrastination, I finally get to write about our project ...We successfully deployed a weather station and our samplers to the Pecos, TX, area during Texas A&M's sprin...

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Published on Dec 06, 2018

First visit to the Permian

I was in Alpine last week. Local resident and Sierra Club member Lori Glover drove me around to experience what is going on. I saw and smelled, and I spoke to quite a few local residents about thei...

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Published on Dec 03, 2018

Health Effects Registry

Concern about oil and gas development in your "backyard" is not least about real or perceived health effects from air or water pollution. If you think you may be affected by air pollution, our meas...

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Published on Nov 28, 2018

Investigative Reporting

Folks, if you'd like to know more about what is going on in shale oil and gas production areas, there are, of course, many different places to read up on the topic ... however, two investigative re...

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Published on Nov 26, 2018

Field testing ...

Thanks to a volunteer from A&M, we have actually already started to collect some field data! The location is outside Bryan/College Station, where oil and gas exploration has also increased in t...

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Laurie, I hope you are not affected by H2S smells, or are not sensitive. I think it is only a "money-smell" when one can choose to avoid it ... I do not know yet whether the SC or other environmental NGOs are viewed "not kindly". What I do know is that the industry created their own "thinktank" ...more