Costa Rica
Internation Institute on Wildlife Management and Conservation, National University of Costa Rica
MSc Candidate
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Hola a todos!A continuación les compartimos el enlace de la charla realizada el día de ayer para los que deseen observarla.
Hola de nuevo a todos!!Mañana jueves 10 de noviembre estaremos presentando los resultados del proyecto en la charla mensual de la Asociación Ornitológica de Costa Rica (AOCR). La actividad se reali...
Hola a todos los que nos han apoyado en nuestro proyecto!!Tenemos el agrado de invitarlos a la defensa de tesis de maestría de nuertro investigador Hersson Ramírez Molina. Él estará presentando res...
Hello to all our backers!!We are happy to inform that we have already received all the materials purchased with the funds kindly donated by all of you. At this moment, we are processing in the labo...
Hello to all our backers!!We are very thankful for the support given by Caño Palma Biological Station. They have been helping us by collecting feathers in the area of Tortuguero-Barra del Colorado....
Hello to all our backers!On august 5th, we were invited to present our project at the Macaw Festival in San Francisco. This town is located just a few kilometers north of Tortuguero village (10-15 ...
English:Hello to all our backers and supporters! We are happy to inform you that we have already received from Experiment the funds from your generous donations. We are currently in the process of ...
English:We reach 100%!!! We'd like to give a A BIG THANK YOU to everyone who has supported this project. You made this project a reality. Hereinafter the extra funds received will be used to buy pr...
English:Hello everyone!Last 10 days of campaign! We have already reached 88%. But because this is an all-or-nothing funding we need to reach the 100% to succeed. We need your help to get the remain...