James Neilan

James Neilan

Yorktown, VA

Tethys Oceanix LLC, Chesapeake Bay Foundation, NASA Langley Research Center, NASA GLOBE



Published on Oct 21, 2021

A Note From Toledo Public Schools

We are gearing up to collect more data with our buoys this fall and we are excited! Before determining next steps with our Toledo Puiblic School students at the National Science Technology Academy ...

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Published on Oct 21, 2021

And the project continues!

Greetings enthusiasts! It has been far too long since a proper update was given. We had an excellent period of operation for our prototype in the York River in VA and at Standing Rush, on the south...

Group 6 Copy 347
Published on Apr 23, 2021

A buoy and more of its blog

People who say 'it's only software' should be given a good talking to. However, though software is usually sidelined in common conversation, it is a vital component in getting our instruments to do...

Group 6 Copy 250
Published on Apr 23, 2021

A buoy and its blog

Greetings enthusiats! We have a good deal to write about and will be release a series of short posts to get you all caught up. We apologize for the lack of project communication, but a much was to...

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Published on Mar 14, 2021

Video Update #1

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Published on Feb 17, 2021

Welcome new partners!

We have expanded with a growing team of excited partners  who are committed to engaging students in our project! Weekly planning meetings now also include the staff at Standing Rush (our Ohio site)...

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Published on Feb 16, 2021

Sensor Selections

Greetings enthusiasts!We hope this finds you all well. We've selected our water quality sensor suite for our sites. Five sensors have been ordered.We will be using Vernier as our sensor manufacture...

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Published on Feb 09, 2021

Schedule and Equipment Updates

Greetings enthusiasts! I hope this update finds you all well. We've made updates to the project schedule to reflect changes in the project as rubber hits the road, or as the rudder hits the water.....

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Published on Jan 19, 2021

Location, location, location...

Greetings enthusiasts! We have been scotting locations for deployment of the field systems and have two potential sites selected. We are working to better understand the sites, accessibility, 4G/5G...

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