Mateo Davila

Mateo Davila


Universidad San Francisco de Quito, Universidad De los Andes


Published on Sep 16, 2020

Color results are in!

After taking and analyzing color measurements from 68 individuals we had collected in Galápagos and 65 we collected throughout Gonatodes caudiscutatus´s continental distribution, along with color ...

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Published on Aug 25, 2020

Results are in!

I can´t believe it has already been a year since the last time I posted anything here! it has just been a very crazy year spent in the field performing predation pressure experiments, in the lab ex...

Group 6 Copy 314
Published on Aug 28, 2019

Geckos everywhere!

With the help of some fantastic field asistants, we have been searching for geckos all over the Ecuadorian occidental Andes for the last two months, and we have found them everywhere! So far, we ha...

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Published on Jul 07, 2019

Geckos in the Galápagos!

For the last 3 weeks we have been doing field work in San Cristobal, in the Galápagos archipelago. We have had great success finding our geckos and taking the color measurements we need.We also pla...

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Published on May 30, 2019

Gonatodes caudiscutatus

Gonatodes caudiscutatusThis diurnal, mostly terrestrial gecko occurs naturally in the western slopes of the Ecuadorian Andes, however in the last few decades it has also been introduced in the east...

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Published on May 16, 2019

Colorful geckos

Thanks to the help of some great volunteers, we have started painting our geckos! and we have some great looking models ready to be taken to the field. We start with white paraffin models fresh our...

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Published on May 14, 2019

Building models

We have started the building of paraffin models for our predation experiments. The casts are made of two-part liquid silicone, and based on a museum specimen of Gonatodes albogularis. They will the...

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