Tyler Davis

Tyler Davis


Haven't backed any projects yet! 

Published on Apr 03, 2015

100%! Nomah ii sumpiakna tu lungdam peuma!

I am overjoyed to announce that this project (with hours to go) is fully funded! Although it's not yet over (leaving room for any extra donations), I would like to thank the following people for s...

Group 6 Copy 56
Published on Mar 08, 2015

Using Bible Translations to Figure Out Grammatical Structure and Words

Since I don't have access to a proper Sizang dictionary, many words have to be learned in their own contexts or by comparing a translation with another. Luckily, the Sizang community already has t...

Group 6 Copy 49
Published on Feb 27, 2015

How to talk to a community about recording their language...

This is a very detailed subject that cannot be expressed in one lab note. However, I'd like to talk a bit about its relevance to my project and especially about its relevance to this evening...Whe...

Group 6 Copy 89
Published on Feb 17, 2015

My Previous Work on Kuki-Chin (with video)!

As I briefly describe in my project abstract, Sizang Chin lies within the Kuki-Chin subgroup of the Tibeto-Burman language family. Also inside of that group are languages such as Hakha (not to be ...

Group 6 Copy 122
Published on Feb 17, 2015

Sizang Children in Maryland Learning to Read

This is a common practice of many tribes of Burma:They are sometimes not allowed to use a language that is not Burmese in school, so the tribes would use Sunday School during church or sessions at ...

Group 6 Copy 69
Published on Feb 17, 2015

The Importance of Gathering Your Own Data

About a week before posting this project on Experiment.com, I began to write an article entitled "An Analysis of The Number of Tones in Sizang Chin". The purpose of the drafted article was to asse...

Group 6 Copy 53
Is this a test project or is there a huge glitch with the main page?
Hi, Christina! I haven't gotten an exact number of the population in Maryland, but I believe it's ca. 200-300 people. There are smaller communities (that I know of) in Bowling Green, Kentucky and Seattle, Washington. In my city, for example, there are only 5 Sizang speakers. In effect, by vis...more