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- Angela MojicaBackerCongratulations!!! Keeps is in the loop on how you are advancing. Enhorabuena, mantenos al tanto de como va tu proyecto!!!Feb 19, 20150
- Raul HerediaBackerEnhorabuena Jordi!Feb 19, 20150
- Josep JunquéBackerJordi, esperem que ho puguis aconseguir!. Soc en Josep que havia treballat molts anys amb el teu pare a Verges. Una abraçada, JosepFeb 19, 20150
- AmyBackerI really hope you get funded and good luck in a break throughFeb 19, 20150
- Emilio José Molina CazorlaBacker¡Buena suerte!Feb 19, 20150
- Jordi Tauler VailletResearcherMuchas gracias !!Feb 19, 20150
- Jessica Suranyi-HammondBackerThis sounds like a fantastic opportunity. I wish you the best of luck. When you begin your research will you keep a blog of your progress?Feb 17, 20150
- Jordi Tauler VailletResearcherThank you very much Jessica. Yes, I will inform of the results. Actually we have already started the project and have some interesting results but we need to do more.Feb 19, 20150
- Maria Hughley BackerGood Luck. People haelping PeopleFeb 14, 20150
- FelicidadBacker¡Gracias y ánimo!!!Feb 13, 20150
- Tom GregoryBackerGood luck with this. Tom Gregory - UKFeb 13, 20150
- And1Backergood luck jordi!Feb 12, 20150
- Matthew LawesBackerJordi, best of luck ... On behalf of Monica and myself. >mattFeb 05, 20150
- Sharon Wolf NewtonBackerGood luck, Jordi!Feb 04, 20150
- Carme Molinas XicoiraBackerEndavant amb la bona feina!Jan 19, 20151
- Jordi Tauler VailletResearcherMoltes gracies Carme !!Jan 19, 20150
- Grant ShatfordBackerAll the best for funding!Jan 19, 20151
- Jonas V ButkusBackerBest of luck!!!Jan 13, 20151
- Iñigo HernaezBackerBuen trabajo¡¡¡¡Dec 26, 20141
- Jordi Tauler VailletResearcherMuchas gracias. Dinero recibido. Vamos a extender el plazo otros 30-40 días ya que he contactado con unos expertos en marketing que me ayudaran a conseguir el objetivo. Mas allá del dinero, que viene bien, el segundo objetivo es construir una red de contactos con gente afin.Dec 26, 20140
- Jack BrownBackerI'm sorry that I can't send me more. Good luck.Dec 20, 20141
- Jordi Tauler VailletResearcherNo problem. I really appreciate it. Everything helps !!Dec 20, 20140
- susana zarazagaBackerOjalá consigas el dinero para la investigación. Mi padre murió de esta enfermedad y sé lo dura que es. Mucha suerte Saludos Susana ZarazagaDec 12, 20141
- Jordi Tauler VailletResearcherMuchas gracias Susana. A ver si lo conseguimos !!Dec 12, 20140
- Juan RodríguezBackerLuck in the project. Mucha suerte y ánimo.Dec 11, 20141
- Jordi Tauler VailletResearcherMuchas gracias Juan !!Dec 11, 20140
- Jaume AriasBackerMucha suerte! Ya he twiteado vuestro mail. Xaime Arias, Televisión de Galicia, NYCDec 08, 20141
- Jordi Tauler VailletResearchermuchas gracias !!!Dec 08, 20140
- Angela MojicaBackerEt desitjo molt exits per ajudar a altres aqui I a casa. AngelaDec 08, 20141
- Jordi Tauler VailletResearcherMoltes gracies Angela. A veure si ens en sortim !!Dec 08, 20140
- Kristina CorralesBackerGood luck with this project!! From The Pearl ProjectDec 07, 20141
- Jordi Tauler VailletResearcherThank you very much. It is a big help !!Dec 07, 20140
- Jordi Tauler VailletResearcherI really appreciate Kristina !!Dec 07, 20140
- John VazquezBacker¡Suerte, Jordi!Dec 07, 20141
- Xavier borcassaBackerMolts d'èxits en la investigació !!!!Dec 06, 20141
- Jordi Tauler VailletResearcherMoltes gracies Xavi !!!Dec 06, 20140
- Karen LossBackerHi Jordi, I wish I could fund your whole project, but unfortunately, I have limited financial means. In any case, I am trying to help you publicize your efforts and wish you well as you work to help so many of us in the lung cancer community.Dec 04, 20141
- Jordi Tauler VailletResearcherKaren, this is great and I really appreciate. These efforts mean a lot and we just have enough people like you and the other backers we will be OK.Dec 04, 20140
- Raul HerediaBackerGood luck with the funding. Is a nice project and sadly, for many research projects, crowdfunding is becoming the unique way to get money to achieve them. Best wishes from DC!Dec 01, 20141
- Andrea Borondy KittsBackerGood luck Jordi. I would love to read more about the project.Nov 28, 20141
- MarkBackerThanks for dedicating time, energy, and brilliance to such important work!Nov 28, 20141
- Jordi Tauler VailletResearcherThanks to you for help !!Nov 28, 20140