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- MariaSYoungAmazing post.Sep 30, 20190
- Nitesh KumarBackerGood Luck Sana!Mar 22, 20160
- Jake GrammerBackerHave unmentioned lately that you girls rock?! Congrats!!!Mar 15, 20160
- Sana ShafiuddinYou are so kind, Jake. Thank you for your support!!!Mar 15, 20160
- Faith RobertsBackerTHRILLED for you both! Anxious to see what your work brings to light.Mar 15, 20160
- Sana ShafiuddinThank you so much Faith!! We cannot wait to share the progress with you :)Mar 15, 20160
- Michael R. McKainBackerCongrats on reaching your goal! This is a wonderful and much needed study!Mar 15, 20160
- Sana ShafiuddinThank you Michael! Your team's project is also doing very well. It is great to see the creative projects this website promotes :)Mar 15, 20160
- Sana ShafiuddinWe are so humbly grateful for the overwhelming support! Thank you all!!Mar 14, 20160
- Danial KhanBackerGood luck!Mar 14, 20160
- Sana ShafiuddinThanks Danny!Mar 14, 20160
- Karen BussoneBackerSana, I am so excited that you have a wonderful internship planned for the upcoming summer. Thanks for asking for my donation. You are such a fantastic student and I love your mission! You rock, girl. All the best. Professor BussoneMar 13, 20160
- Sana ShafiuddinThank you Professor Bussone!! Your support really helps keep this project alive!Mar 13, 20160
- Chris WhippoBackerAmanda and Sana, Good luck in finding answers to important questions. It's a great research topic.Mar 08, 20160
- Sana ShafiuddinThank you Chris! We will be sure to post updates.Mar 13, 20160
- Cindy WuBackerBeing inclusive in the workplace is incredibly important, not just for the employees but also for the hospitals to retain talent. Seems like this is a win-win for employees and employers.Mar 07, 20160
- Amanda F. HopkinsResearcherI concur! Thank you for your continued support Cindy!Mar 07, 20160
- Sana ShafiuddinThis is absolutely a project we are passionate about for the reasons you mentioned. Thanks Cindy!!Mar 13, 20160
- ChristyJo ColeBackerSo excited for what will be achieved thanks to this project!Mar 07, 20160
- Amanda F. HopkinsResearcherAs are we Christy!! Thank you for your donation and support of our research project. Please continue to share with those who are interested in reducing discrimination.Mar 07, 20160
- Amanda F. HopkinsResearcherThe show of support has been PHENOMENAL!! Thank you all! Keep it coming! If you were kind enough to financially back this research project and want to continue your support, please share this information on various social media platforms of which you subscribe. https://goo.gl/nCSgdl Thank you, thank you, thank you........Mar 03, 20160
- Amanda F. HopkinsResearcherThank you for your donation and continued support. Sana and I are very excited to get started! If our project is successful we'll be able to apply the developed instrument to various diverse and vulnerable groups that are underrepresented. We'll be sure to keep you posted through lab notes as our project unfolds. Thanks again for your support Carolyn!Mar 02, 20160
- Carolyn NadeauBackerDear Amanda and Sana, What a wonderful project!! Best of luck. I look forward to hearing about your progress. Warm regards to both, Carolyn NadeauMar 02, 20160
- Sana ShafiuddinThank you Professor Nadeau! We are so grateful for your support.Mar 13, 20160