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- Pelle WessmanBackerLooking forward to this! Congrats :) Will we follow the progress best here on experiment.com or elsewhere?May 05, 20211
- Bernhard HoltropBackerYej! Now grow grow grow veggies! :) 🍀🌱🌬️May 03, 20211
- Annevi SjöbergResearcherYes, very exciting :)May 03, 20211
- Annevi SjöbergResearcherThank you for cheering us on BernhardMay 03, 20210
- Annevi SjöbergResearcherTack så jättemycket Anna för ditt bidrag!Apr 27, 20210
- Anna StubbendorffBackerLooking forward to hear about the results!Apr 27, 20210
- Mattias EnvallBackerThis is great!Apr 26, 20210
- Philippe PerreaultBackerWould it be possible to do Caragana arborescens also, as it is a cold-climate productive bean perennial :)Apr 25, 20210
- Eva JohanssonResearcherThank you for suggesting Caragana arborescens. We have already decided which species will be included in this study, but we will consider it for future studies. Thank you for backing us!Apr 26, 20211
- Marit GjertsenBackerGrattis! Congratulations!Apr 25, 20210
- Eva JohanssonResearcherWe really appreciate all your support and encouragement for this project! It's now 65% funded with 21 days left. We look forward to harvesting our spring samples!Apr 11, 20210
- Lena Engelmark EmbertsénBackerMycket intressant studie - ser verkligen fram emot att få ta del av resultatet! Lycka till! LenaApr 07, 20211
- Annevi SjöbergResearcherStort tack för ditt bidrag och för hejarop!Apr 08, 20210
- Aiah NoackBackerGreat project! I am writing books on perennial vegetables and would like to include your findings. Thank youApr 04, 20211
- Annevi SjöbergResearcherThat is great. We will send the results to you. Where are you based?Apr 08, 20211
- Marit GjertsenBackerSpennande prosjekt. Jag gör min permakultur diplom på anti-innflamatorisk mat. Målet är att undvika långrest mat som avokado, kokos, dadlar etc och hitta den näring man behöver i den egna trädgården. Lycka till!Apr 04, 20211
- Annevi SjöbergResearcherTack för ditt stöd! Wow, oj vad spännande. Din rapporten vill jag gärna ha när du är klar :)Apr 08, 20211
- Marit GjertsenBackerSjälvklart! Jag kommer till Stjärnsund - Puttmyra nu under våren. Kanske kan vi träffas?Apr 09, 20210
- Annevi SjöbergResearcherJa det vore trevligt. Hojta till när du kommer 0733622509Apr 13, 20210
- Marit GjertsenBacker👍Apr 17, 20210
- Steffen & Christina MeyerBackerWhat an awsome initative. Thank you guys! :-)Apr 04, 20211
- Carl-Johan BachofnerBackerIts incredible that food just grows out of a plant, year after year. We must learn more about this.Apr 04, 20211
- Annevi SjöbergResearcherThank you for you contribution Carl!!Apr 08, 20210
- Alex BerlandBackerGood luck with the fund-raising. This is such interesting work and I am looking forward to reading more about it. Best wishes AlexApr 03, 20211
- Annevi SjöbergResearcherThank you Alex for your contribution and your encouragement :)Apr 08, 20210
- Eva JohanssonResearcherA diet that has a larger proportion of vegetables, in a transformed food system, plays a crucial role in meeting the goals of the Paris Agreement (Willett et al., 2019). By integrating perennial crops, our food systems can be made more sustainable and resilient (FOA, 2013; Foley et al., 2011; Niles et al., 2018; Willett et al., 2019). Growing in perennial systems binds carbon in the soil, reduces soil erosion and increases the biological diversity of cultivation (Sollen-Norrlin, Ghaley, & Rintoul, 2020; Toensmeier, Ferguson, & Mehra, 2020) which are all very important aspects in sustainable food systems. From the growers' perspective, benefits of perennial vegetables are that they reduce the need for irrigation and tillage when established, and that they are less prone to disease and suffer from fewer pests than annual vegetables (Ciotir et al., 2019; Sjöberg, Weiss, & Larsson, 2016). Perennial vegetables also provide a stable harvest, and the harvest season can be extended both in spring and autumn (Crawford, 2012; Sjöberg et al., 2016), which is of particular interest to professional growers. Growers can consequently extend the season when locally grown is available and receive income earlier and later in the growing season. From the consumers' perspective knowing which vegetables are nutritious is also important. For annual vegetables, variety selection and cultivation methods are well studied. Knowledge of perennial vegetables is lacking in many areas. Central issues are consumer preferences and nutritional value, which are closely linked to demand.Mar 10, 20210