Wanda Sowa

Wanda Sowa


Published on Jan 20, 2015

Thank You Backers - Video!

I'll be sending out e-mails shortly to inquire to you all about tshirt sizes and mailing addresses! I am so excited to give back to those who pledged, and for the upcoming field season!

Group 6 Copy 70
Published on Dec 08, 2014

Emails to be sent out soon!

Just wanted to send a quick update to my backers!  The semester has been absolutely, without a doubt, kicking my butt the last few weeks (for lack of a better term). Thesis proposal...

Group 6 Copy 77
Published on Oct 24, 2014

2 Hours Left! T-Shirt Design Reveal, all pledges >$25!

2 Hours Left! T-Shirt Design Reveal, all pledges >$25! There's still TWO hours left in the campaign to raise funds for my thesis! Anyone who pledge...

Group 6 Copy 101
Published on Oct 22, 2014

WE DID IT! Thank You! + There's Still Coffee!

THANK YOU to everyone who donated funds towards my Master's Thesis!Because my friend, Dan Aki pushed the project over the 100% line with time still to spare, I need to include the following picture...

Group 6 Copy 99
Published on Oct 21, 2014

Last Week's Big Island Trip

Flew to the Big Island last Wednesday to scope out future data collection sites and do some data collection.  I am in the process of uploading some of the audio samples for analysis...

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Published on Oct 15, 2014

Reduced Budget Thanks to Friendly Help!

As you may know from my last update, I am island hopping this week.  Big Island, here I come!  A very good friend of mine has offered to cover this and the next few island-hopping t...

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Published on Oct 12, 2014

27 Countries Reached and 12 days left!

Here's a screenshot of the 27 countries I've reached during the length of the campaign! To give you an idea, if you flew from one country to the next (starting and ending in Hawaii)...

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Published on Sep 27, 2014

5 Things You Probably Didn't Know about Birds

I decided this week to start posting bite-sized ornithology lessons on YouTube... here is the first of many videos!  Just contains 5 of the coolest...

Group 6 Copy 51
Published on Sep 22, 2014

Nighttime Lights Threaten Dawn Chorus and Other Birdy News

National Geographic brought attention to a very important issue on their newsfeed about a week and a half ago.  A study released by the Journal of Behavioral Ecology gives evidence ...

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