Erich Eberts

Erich Eberts

Los Angeles, California

Center for Urban Resilience (CURes), Loyola Marymount University

CURes Research Fellow


Published on May 19, 2017

FLIR Blog Article

We are very excited to share that our project is featured in this FLIR Systems blog article! you all for your support! 

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Published on Feb 03, 2017

Stunning Thermal Images with the FLIR Vue Pro R!

Stunning thermal images of an incubating hummingbird mother taken with the Flir Vue Pro R on loan from FLIR Systems to support our innovative and engaging science research! (Flir Vue Pro R 640 x 51...

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Published on Jan 27, 2017

Nest 1 babies

The two hummingbird babies of Nest 1 are growing up! At around 14 days old, they are beginning to fill the nest and are starting to look like birds.They have about a week until they start flying, a...

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Published on Jan 17, 2017

Live Feed from Nest 1!

Follow these directions to view a live feed of Nest 1, 24/7. (you can see her at night!)1) Open Internet Explorer or Safari. Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, and other web browsers do not currently w...

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Published on Jan 17, 2017

Hummingbird Nest Searching Tips

Attention Southern Californians! Hummingbird breeding is nearly in full swing! Here are some tips for finding hummingbird nests. If you see evidence of of a hummingbird nest around the LMU/ Westche...

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Published on Jan 17, 2017

Hummingbird Babies!

Over the last two weeks we have been as busy as hummingbirds! We have found 5 active nests on campus! Anyone around LMU and Westchester, please let us know if you find any! (see nest searching tips...

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Published on Jan 05, 2017

First Nest!

We have found our first nest of the season!Here are some pictures taken on our C2 camera. We are working on getting our full monitoring system up and running! ...

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Published on Dec 13, 2016

​We've Ordered Our First Thermal Camera!

We've ordered our first FLIR C2 camera!This is especially exciting after our (CURes) visit to the Ellen Ochoa Learning Center (an elementary and middle school) where two undergrad s...

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Published on Nov 29, 2016

100% Funded!

We did it! We accomplished our goal of raising $4900 to buy thermal cameras!We are preparing to purchase the cameras this week so we will keep you updated! As happy as we are to have reached our g...

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The nest 1 juveniles have fledged!! By definition, this nest is now successful! The juvs will likely not return to the nest, but we have already seen the mother returning to the nest; perhaps to prepare it for her next round of eggs, or to reuse the materials to build a new nest. We will update...more