Neil R Jordan

Neil R Jordan

Sydney, Australia

(1) Centre for Ecosystem Science, University of New South Wales; (2) Taronga Conservation Society Australia; (3) Botswana Predator Conservation Trust



Haven't backed any projects yet! 

Published on Dec 20, 2016

And the winner is...

Many moons ago, as our funding campaign crept close to its goal, we entered every major donor to our campaign ($150 or more) into a draw to win this large canvas of Raphael the lion.  ...

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Published on Dec 20, 2016

Update from the i-cow kraal...

Now that the sun has set on another short field season in Botswana, here are a few reflections on the project so far, starting with our main achievements and minor setbacks.Recent significant achie...

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Published on Jul 22, 2016

i-cows hit the headlines, as I hit the ground in Botswana!

I'm really pleased to report some very positive press on our (yours and my) i-cow idea. This includes the interview I conducted on SkyNews posted below, and lots of printed press articles and radio...

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Published on Jun 15, 2016

Almost there, but we need your help!

Wow- how time has flown. We've now got only 3 days left and so we're most definitely in the home stretch. We're 77% funded!... but with the all-or-nothing platform we really need to push to get acr...

Backers Only
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Published on May 27, 2016

Lions and livelihoods under threat

A short, need I say ''no-budget'', video I put together explaining the impact that predator-livestock conflict has on predator populations, even those within protected areas. Admittedly it casts a ...

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Thanks. Not personally no, but here's a link: