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  • Zac Murfet
    Zac MurfetBacker
    Good stuff guys, keep up the good work!
    Oct 15, 2016
  • Carol Jackson
    Carol JacksonBacker
    Cindy, the picture at the bottom of the Overview page shows weepy eyes, pale mucous membranes and weight loss. If not treated, Bobtails with flu slowly starve to death. If you are ever in Perth Western Australia, I'd be pleased to show you how we treat bobtail flu at Kanyana Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre.
    Oct 04, 2016
  • Lauren Gilson
    Lauren GilsonBacker
    SACRIFICE a PINT or TWO to help support the BOB-TAIL FLU! I recently appealed to a friend to support this project by suggesting that he "sacrifice a pint or two to help support the bobtail flu". For the price of a few beers (not blood!), another $15-20 could be added to this effort. Multiply that by as many people as you could convince to sacrifice one or two beers this weekend, and you could have another couple hundred pledged to the goal. Sometime people need to see that a small sacrifice can make a big difference, and the personal appeal approach can be effective. It's worth a try.
    Oct 04, 2016
  • Mike Gardner
    Mike GardnerResearcher
    Hi Cindy - not sure how this whole crowd funding will go but thanks for supporting it yourself! The animals get all clogged up and sneeze, yes just like us. They are get quite lethargic - I am sure they feel sorry for themselves too!! Mike
    Sep 15, 2016
  • Cindy Wu
    Cindy WuBacker
    What exactly are the "flu-like" symptoms that lizards get? Is it anything similar to what us humans experience?
    Sep 15, 2016