About This Project

Science communication is boring, restricted, and broken. I started a blog to provide an alternative to reading long, jargon-filled journal articles: infographics. The blog's success has encouraged me to scale up and create an open access, infographic journal. Let's put the art in article.

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What is the context of this research?

Science communication is broken. Let's fix it.

I've already ranted about the problems with science communication. Even when a layperson gets access to a paper despite all the pay-per-view journals, the use of esoteric jargon makes it practically impossible for the public to read fresh-from-the-lab-bench science. For the last few months, I've been working on a solution through Draw Science, a #scicomm blog where I turn science articles into infographics.

What is the significance of this project?

The numbers speak for Draw Science's success: in the last 9 months, Draw Science has amassed over 100,000 views and is now syndicated on Business Insider! Hundreds (not thousands, yet) of people are following the blog on Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus. Now, I want to move from making infographics out of science articles to making infographics into science articles. The blog is a band-aid on the problem, we need in-depth reconstructive surgery on what the standard of science communication is.

What are the goals of the project?

To do this, I want to create an open-access, infographic journal. The model is simple: scientists submit an outline of their research, I draw it. This will make it easier for scientists to connect directly with the general public and create a wholly new method of science outreach. The difference between running just another website and having a journal is the legitimacy of having DOI's, archival, and other specifications that almost all existing journals follow,


Web Hosting
Web Domain

This campaign will cover the first two years of setup costs for the journal. The goal is to make a journal with the same legitimacy and permanence as, perhaps, PLOSOne. Here's what each budget element means:

  • CrossRef/DOI: As another indie journal, The Winnower, explains, the difference between an online journal and a blog is having a DOI and archival. Scholarly journals can be referenced by DOI on databases, and are made indelible through archival.
  • Web Hosting: Articles need to go up on a server. Servers cost money.
  • Trademark: I really like the name Draw Science. I want to make sure nobody else takes it.
  • LLC: If there's money going in and coming out, it should probably be considered a company/legal entity.
  • Web Domain: Can't be hosting a scholarly journal on Blogspot!

Meet the Team

Viputheshwar Sitaraman
Viputheshwar Sitaraman

Team Bio

I'm a molecular genetics researcher, consultant graphic designer, entreprenuer (with two startups), and blogger. I'm passionate about open science, minimalist design, and specialized education.

More about me on LinkedIn.

PS. Yes, I am 17 years old. But I've also been doing independent research for four years, been published in the World Forum in Biology, and am co-founder of two startups, so your money is in good hands!

Viputheshwar Sitaraman

Innovation starts with little people with big ideas.

Project Backers

  • 42Backers
  • 105%Funded
  • $1,225Total Donations
  • $29.17Average Donation