

The purpose of this study is to estimate: (1) the period prevalence, and (2) the relative influence of IGD, if any, on the everyday activities, as well as mental, social, and physical health of American adults. This work will recruit and follow up with a large (>5,000) and representative sample of Americans. Ethics clearance for the project has been secured.


This primary logistical challenge is re-contacting and re-inlisting the participation of the study population at follow-up. The investigator is working with a specialist in polling research to ensure the incentive structure limits the attrition rate.

Pre Analysis Plan

The potential period prevalence of acute Internet Gaming Disorder (IGD) will be identified as a function of the indicators reported. In line with those that meet the DSM-5 criteria will be counted as potentially diagnosed. A percentage based on the ratio between these cumulative counts and the final sample size, on a national basis, as well as a proportion of those who have played Internet-based games in the past six months will be computed. We predict the incidence rates of those who endorse 5 or more symptoms and believe gaming causes them personal distress will be 0.75% +/- 0.5% in line with pilot studies. This diagnosis will be used in correlational and cross-lagged Bayesian hypothesis tests and will quantify the extent to which the data support the null hypothesis in comparison to the alternative hypothesis that IGD is related to health and functioning outcomes.


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