Jason Preble

Jason Preble

Island Bat Research Group


Published on Dec 08, 2020

Review of Japanese Bat Research & Conservation

Review of Japanese Bat Research & Conservation日本におけるコウモリの研究と保全のレビューHello lovely bat research supporters. First off, a quick update on the diet research; we have sent in our last batch of sample...

Group 6 Copy 338
Published on May 27, 2020

COVID-19 delays...

Hello everyone,I apologize for the delay in updating you all, but unfortunately the lab doing the DNA sequencing of our extracted fecal DNA is shutdown until further notice because of the current p...

Group 6 Copy 750
Published on Nov 26, 2019

DNA Extractions Complete! 抽出終了!

DNA Extractions Complete! 抽出終了!It might have seemed like I disappeared after receiving the financial support of this project's generous backers, but I'm still here and have been busy getting straig...

Group 6 Copy 280
Published on Nov 08, 2019

Campaign successfully completed! クラウドファンディング成功!

Hey everybody, we did it! Yesterday, the crowdfunding campaign came to a close and $2,921 were raised to study Okinawa’s cute little bats! Thanks to you all, I can now get working on figuring out w...

Group 6 Copy 279
Published on Nov 06, 2019

Crowdfunding almost finished! Bonus samples?

We've reached our target funding amount! A big thank you to everyone who supported the project by backing or sharing it. This really wouldn't have been possible without you all. If anyone would sti...

Group 6 Copy 265
Published on Nov 02, 2019

リュウキュウテングコウモリ!More on the Ryukyu tube-nosed bat

With only five coming on four days left, we’re coming towards the finish line with 75% of funds raised! I hope we get there, because we’re so close! Couldn’t have gotten this far without you all. T...

Group 6 Copy 490
Published on Oct 28, 2019

Progress and Wing-shape Hypotheses プログレスと翼の形に関する仮説

Progress and Wing-shape Hypotheses プログレスと翼の形に関する仮説We are now over half-way through the crowdfunding campaign, with 64% of the funds necessary for this project raised with 10 days left to reach 100%...

Group 6 Copy 339
Published on Oct 22, 2019

コウモリのねぐら探しFinding bat roosts 


Group 6 Copy 268
Published on Oct 20, 2019

河川・環境シリーズ Okinawan News Feature

やっと沖縄島でヤンバルホオヒゲコウモリを捕獲できた後に、去年沖縄テレビと撮影したビデオを見せてあげたいと思います。残念ながら、テレビのクルーが調査に参加された時にコウモリを捕獲できませんでした。。。しかし、ニュースにコウモリのビデオも写真も少し表示され、フィールドワークがどのようなものかがわかります。「河川・環境シリーズ 」は沖縄テレビの隔週に放送される、色々な環境に関する話のシリーズで、コ...

Group 6 Copy 251
Thank you for your interest Tanvir. I'll message you to try and work something out.
Reply to:Susan HerseySusan Hersey
Thank you Susan!
Reply to:Webster RossWebster Ross
I'm torn between the Ryukyu tube-nosed and Yanbaru whiskered. The whiskered's are so tiny and chill but the feistiness of the tube-nosed's is real cute