Johannes Fischer

Johannes Fischer

Wellington, New Zealand

Victoria University, Wellington, New Zealand

PhD candidate


Published on Jul 01, 2018

A new species to science

Often in science, several projects run along side each other. This was the case during the field trips on which we collected GLS tags from the Flying Penguins funded by you. To be specific, we susp...

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Published on Nov 16, 2017

One year later

November 2017, two years after we deployed the first tags and one year after we collected those tags - thanks to all you lovely donors, the team is back on the Whenua Hou! We apologize for the radi...

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Published on Jan 19, 2017

The roundup of the 2016/17 season

It has been an incredible Flying Penguin season, but it has now come to an end. The team just returned from the second and final trip to Codfish Island. Unfortunately, no additional tagged birds we...

Group 6 Copy 137
Published on Nov 13, 2016

The third week of fieldwork: the RA's viewpoint

Here is the last retrospective update from our first Flying Penguin trip of the season! Just like in the previous two updates, Jesse Golden, the Research Assistant (RA), shares his views:"The days ...

Group 6 Copy 61
Published on Nov 07, 2016

The second week of fieldwork: more from the RA

Another week has passed. Hear more about the Codfish Island experiences from Jesse, the Research Assistant (RA), in retrospect!"Gone are the long, sunny days and dark, moonless nights.  Now our day...

Group 6 Copy 55
Published on Oct 31, 2016

The first week of fieldwork: the RA's viewpoint

To change the tone a bit, this lab note is provided by Jesse Golden, the Research Assistant (RA) for the South Georgian Diving Petrel Project’s first field trip! Here he describes his experiences a...

Group 6 Copy 112
Published on Oct 25, 2016

The first results!

The team has returned to their respective hometowns and everyone has caught up on the much-needed sleep, hence it's time for a new lab note sharing the first results from the field!The first field ...

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