Jiaying Wu

Jiaying Wu

University of Georgia, Athens GA

Department of Geography at University of Georgia

Ph.D candidate


Published on Jul 08, 2016

Day 12-Our last coring day-- Coring Lago Chirripo! 第十二天--最后采芯日---采Chirripo湖~!

Today, we will core our last lake, Lago Chirripo. Another short sediment core will be extracted from this lake.今天,我们将完成最后一个湖(Chirripo湖)的采样工作。采一根短芯。 If we finish early, we will have a chance to visi...

Group 6 Copy 115
Published on Jul 08, 2016

Day 11- Coring Lago Morrenas 3C 第十一天-去往Morrenas 3C湖采集短芯

The major mission to collect long sediment core from Ditkebi was done yesterday! Today we are heading to the second lake in the North for extracting a short core for later comparison work.从Ditkebi湖...

Group 6 Copy 163
Published on Mar 16, 2016

It's never too late to have your lovely gifts!! 不要错过您喜欢的小礼物哦!!!

Appreciation Gifts!!! My dear BackersIf you like these gifts, it is never too late to increase your pledge to reach the $25/$50/$100 line to get them!...

Group 6 Copy 97
Published on Mar 16, 2016

Appreciation Gifts for My Dear Backers!!!来来来!礼物来了,为了回馈我亲爱的Backer们!!!

Hi! My dear BackersIn order to thank you for your support, I have prepared some gifts for you.亲爱的backer们,为了谢谢你们对我们项目的支持,我已经为大家准备好了感谢礼物。Backers who donate:$25 or up will be given a CERTIFICATION OF ...

Group 6 Copy 62
Published on Mar 12, 2016

Day 10-Coring Is So Successful Today!!! Our Hard Work Pays Off!! A 5.75 m Long Sediment Core Get!!

This is our last day at Lago Ditkebi, our last chance...WE MUST SUCCESS!!!! PLEASE! BEST LUCK TO US!!!这是我们最后一天在Ditkebi湖,我们最后的机会,我们必须成功!!!!拜托了!一定要祝我们好运啊!!! We have to race with time t...

Group 6 Copy 151
Published on Mar 12, 2016

Day 9-Third Day at Lago Ditkebi-We Need to Get Long Core Coring Work Done!!!!Today!! But....第九天-我们今天得把长芯给采回去!然而。。。

Again....back to Lago Ditkebi. This is the third day at Lago Ditkebi, we need to get the long core back!!Ditkebi湖,我们又回来了。。这是我们在Ditkebi湖的第三天,得把长芯采回去啊! However.....the more you expect ...

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Interesting research! I am always concerning environmental issues related to pollution and climate change. Hope your study can contribute to the academe and also, the society.
Reply to:Jenny JuJenny Ju
Reply to:Denny LuanDenny Luan
Dear Danny, thank you for being so supportive. I am currently working on sorting out pictures and videos for the rest 7 days' field work and will post a short video to introduce my project on my homepage shortly. My wrist has been so painful for the past weeks and I had to slow down my work progr...more