Rebecca Murray Schneider

Rebecca Murray Schneider


Published on Apr 12, 2018


Year-round monitoring reveals prevalence of fatal bird-window collisions at the Virginia Tech Corporate Research Center you again for your support!

Group 6 Copy 211
Published on Nov 21, 2014


I thought you all would like to see that I am still working on this project.  We've received some press recently and I want to share it with you.  Thank you again for supporting me from the very be...

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Published on Aug 27, 2014

some good news

Hello everyone,**I am giving a talk about this project to the New River Valley Bird Club next week. **I am working to get others in the office park to contact the management in support of this proj...

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Published on Aug 06, 2014

Start writing...

Start writing...

Group 6 Copy 65
Published on Jul 02, 2014

July 3rd update

Group 6 Copy 51
Published on Apr 25, 2014


Hi everyone,I hope this update finds you well.  I wanted to let you know that I gave out field guides to 2 volunteers this week.  They were very happy to receive them.Also, we just documented our 2...

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Published on Apr 07, 2014

new volunteers

Hello all,I just wanted to post a quick note to let you know that 4 new volunteers started last week. 3 of them already found either a bird or a feather pile. We have a potential 5th volunteer star...

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Published on Apr 01, 2014

small victory!

Hi everyone,Good news! The trouble feeders at the window where we've found 3 bird deaths (2 dark-eyed juncos and 1 white-throated sparrow) are now gone! There were 2 feeders on the window and 1 in...

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Published on Mar 19, 2014

presentation last night

Good morning all!I had a wonderful meeting with the VT student chapter of The Wildlife Society last night. I gave a presentation on our project to about 20 undergraduates. I normally hate giving pr...

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Show more updates
I'm sorry I am late in responding. I received no notification that there were comments. Amy, They say it will eventually wash off in the rain in 2-3 montsh. I actually put some up today and will monitor how long it lasts. David, Yes the birds see the UV unlike us. Here is a good video show...more
Reply to:Mary ThompsonMary Thompson
Thank you Aunt Jane:)