Thomas Poulson



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Thanks for the detailed update on cave beetles Tom Poulson
Even with accelerated global warming it will be centuries before the mena annula tiemprature at MCNP will b 26C. So I do not see how your study helps us understand the biolgy of your species. The real rpblem for t he keystone cave criket is when nighttime temparatures outside approach the curre...more
Tom Poulson guesses 30 C for adult survival and 25 C for complete development,
Paige I would still like to hear from you about my 4 September query.
Ptomapagus hirtus does not live at the very margin of measurable day and night cycles. And I will bet that you cannot entrain it with realistically very low level of light in LD cycles.
Wire mesh to keep crickets from taking all the peanut butter but what is the rationale for the other trap designs? Tom Poulson query
Paige: I would really like Jennifer Frazer's e-mail to correspond with her about how my scientific natural history can help correct the prevalence of unscientific Americans. If you question my credentials send me your e-mail at and I will send you what I would like to send...more